
The hotel's routers are giving us a hard time. Here's the call for help I sent out on UA

I have a bit of a situation. I need to connect to the office server via terminal services. I can do that from home (W XP SP1) or from my laptop (sentenced to the Vista for the time being) when connected via cable to customer's network. From the hotel, however, I cannot - it fails at login, doesn't even display the login form completely, stops somewhere halfway through displaying login dialogue.

There are two other laptops in the room. One, also with the Vista,can not. The other one, with XP (probably SP2) can. The server we are connecting to is 2003 server.

I've tried almost any combination of settings I could think of, still works (or rather doesn't) the same.

It would save us a whole day if anyone could shed some light to this during the day.

Greetings from San Francisco :)

Just buzzing around. Eventually found the cause of, or rather a fix to, the RDP fuckup:

OK, we found it. It needs a cmd window running as admin, where you type

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

and that's it. I just wonder how the guy who dug this out ever found it.

Mostly spent the day in the hotel and then went for a long walk to a place David knows (and he knows all the good places). Dined in a place made out of an old streetcar, themed portuguese. Icecream was good. The houseguard plant (at least we call it čuvarkuća, same as the dog) in front was the biggest I saw, stem thick as an arm. Then we returned to the hotel, perhaps just to check emails - the last pictures I took on the streets show it's almost dusk - and I left the Fujica in the room, because David said we're going for a few drinks. I think this is the second time we took a cab - almost everywhere else we walked.

The place was some party nearby, in a hotel lobby, where it was a bit chaotic, there were some people David knew, including female. They served some cocktails, which were as tricky as I expected - after just one I had to go out for a smoke, and firmly decided to not have another, it's a long walk to the hotel and I was wearing clogs.

Then we went to the Bermuda triangle, a rather pedestrian street where there are famous bars on three corners at the same crossing. Had some onion soup there (finally got to try that, and it's both as expected and not what I expected), and another drink, wine or beer, don't remember. Jan joined me for a cigarette outside - he's an occasional social smoker. Meanwhile David was finishing his soup and we found him chatting with a cute lady, aged somewhere halfway between us. She complimented him, of all things, on having a good ass.

Picked up a pizza on the way to hotel. Nothing to write home about, just not bad.

Mentions: David Berton, Fujica, Jan Brenkelen, UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian