
(Place, tavern, firm, Hungary)

Founded in Gemenc as the center for medical informational system, basically as a para-state agency. Mihály and Vilmos used to work there, then they split and made Szoftex. This was my first agency of the time, and they displayed all the virtues that the later agencies will have: their specs were murky and ambiguous, we'd get them very late in the game, and not from them but from our customers, and they avoided all communication with the writers of software which provides data they demand. No matter that they were in a walking distance from us. I thought this may be caused by some bad blood between the two guys and them, but no, it's in the nature of such agencies.

Their pearl: they occupied two buildings on opposite sides of a little piazetta (which used to be just a yard, but then it was opened to pedestrian trafic and studded with little shops and burger joints). Wishing to avoid stretching cables across, they spent enormous money to establish an airport-type microwave link between the buildings. It perhaps worked in the end, but the speed was below the speed of a floppy carried on foot. Which is what they were doing most of the time.

Since the bosses of Szoftex split there, of course they didn't love us. We never got from them a single bit of information that they were supposed to, being the state-assigned agency for medical information systems. Every time there was some protocol, form or specification to be received from them, we first had to get wind of it by side channels (usually the Gemenc staff) and then retrieve it through the same channels. Which was usually rather late, but then we were faster in building the apps and made up for lost time :).

They are not alone in this. SHET is the same kind of a gang of assholes, and EONS to an extent too.

Mentions: 22-IV-1994., 10-IX-2012., CAAR, EONS, Gemenc, Gemenc Polyclinic, Mihály Weisz, SHET, Szoftex, Vilmos Hausz, in serbian