
Today, on UA's chatter side-forum, replying to Željko (ok, three levels of reply:

>>And worse than that, I've seen SyGate firewall replaced with its descendant, ZoneAlarm, which has about half of its teeth removed and replaced with gui candy. And even worse than that, I've seen Skype replaced with Skype.

>Now this one is outright scary;

>Company in UK got sold off to US corporation. US corporation in turn have fox code on its (black)list of potentially harmful softwares. They now ask source code so corporation 'experts' can examine if it can be harmful to their infrastructure.

>They will perhaps have their noses protected by white masks, their eyebrows all the way up their long faces, while they carefully sift through thousands and thousands of lines of framework and application code to identify potential threats..

The best gig in IT is if you can get to do IT police aka security. You aren't really responsible for anything; your only job is to make life miserable to your charges, so that they know you're doing it for real. You don't announce anything you do, you don't care if you break anything that was working so far, you don't even need to know what was working, you don't ask anyone's permission and yet everyone has to go through proper channels to get permission from you. There's no QA breathing down your neck and watching over your shoulder, and you don't care if you make system slower than ever. Perfect.

These days I'm mostly doing nothing. Writing these texts, adding nice-to-have things to the tool I'm using (the zod, or rather the Byo based on it, which I wrote for Gary long ago now got all-word-search that I wrote for Sean, with not much change). At least three times a week we take the twins for a stroll late in the afternoon, sometimes to Lidl to buy something, sometimes to Springfield where we have a pizza or a čorba, sometimes with a beer (bosnian Nektar is surprisingly good, now that they don't have neither Laško črno nor Zaječarsko, and Štajger is too sweet for my gut). Not too bad being retired, not at all.

Last night I had my annual meeting with Marinko at domaćin, until midnight when they closed. Had gravče na tavče, dark Kozel (he had light) and generally talked over the things on the job - former job in my case. He just wanted to know what was it that pissed me off, because he can't see any other reason why I'd quit. Well, he was right about that, and I told him more or less the whole story.

Mentions: Byo (Byo), čorba, domaćin, fox, Gary Brandywine, Marinko Protić, Sean Chertoff, Springfield, UbiquAgora (UA), zod, Željko Nikolović, in serbian