Ralph Rotnik

(Person, Canada)

The accountant at Firriver for a number of years, then suddenly the CFO and apparently a grey eminence. Doesn't ask, tells what to do, without consulting anyone among the doers.

His overall behavior leaves one in quite a dilemma - is he simply vile, or is he learning capitalism from worst neoliberal/neoconservative books, or is he just a rich kid with zero empathy and zero understanding of his own conduct. Either way, I don't remember any time when he did something that pleased me, or was at least helping others.

After quitting Firriver, actually when Kees was visiting in september 2019, I found out that he actually poured some of his money, which gave him the rights. Well, then, why the fuck did they think they needed the money?

Mentions: 19-I-2018., 05-II-2018., 21-III-2018., 27-III-2018., 07-IV-2018., 08-VI-2018., 20-VIII-2018., New translation server, 22-VIII-2018., 19-IX-2018., 18-II-2019., 22-II-2019., 22-III-2019., 25-III-2019., 17-IV-2019., 22-IV-2019., 03-V-2019., The talk which never happened, 29-V-2019., 15-X-2019., 04-III-2020., Briyesh Dupta, David Berton, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Geoff Gearney, Hana Burberry, Karl Poulain, Kees de Cock, Operation Zone53, Suez Lima, translation, in serbian