
Three days ago I heard that there’ll be a new Toronto office, quite costly, with the assumption that all the folks from the area (i.e. David, Norman, Bruce, Karl, Briyesh, Ralph, Jevgenij) would be working there. This means switching from 24hr support to 9-to-5 working hours, plus commute (for Karl, about 90 minutes one way). The idea is, obviously, to create a cubicle farm where anyone’s use of company time can be controlled. Sure, if control is the goal and not serving the customers and achieving results. This also means that the Torontians stop using their home boxes and work only from the boxes at work, so they’re incommunicado off hours.

In other news, the freshly finished, just deployed yesterday, C# version of the portal, on which Kees worked since his first day, is to be scrapped and the whole portal done from scratch, as Suez communicated to some of the portal team today. Huh?

Mentions: Briyesh Dupta, Bruce Furlane, David Berton, Jevgenij Nosorowetz, Karl Poulain, Kees de Cock, Norman Shen, Ralph Rotnik, Suez Lima, in serbian