Grbo (Prasad Gorbeau)

(Person, Canada)

A Torontian programmer, whom I don't really know. Spoke with him perhaps twice, mostly in group conferences over skype, and even then, couldn't hear much, as the Toronto office of Firriver had one single room with too much echo and nobody used headsets. Nina had more contact with him. Strictly under Jevgenij's supervision, so I didn't hear him say anything but to confirm and elaborate what boss said.

The nickname applied only between Nina and me, it's a wordplay in serbian.

Mentions: 21-III-2019., 22-III-2019., 11-IV-2019., 16-IV-2019., Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Jevgenij Nosorowetz, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Operation Zone53, in serbian