
The meeting of the 2nd secret group today had more people invited – Nina, Jan and Kees, except they weren’t included in the group of attendees (as it’s on m$ teams, which is preferred over skype exactly for this rights issue, so it’s not so flatly organized like skype, but rich with groups and other security bullshit, so information can be freely withheld, shared on need-to-know basis and you never need to know who decides who needs to know, and what things may exist that you don’t need to know about it. Paranoia behind the corner.). Nina explicitly asked to be let in as she was already invited, so she got to be a member there – with the (suprise!) new programmer we never knew about until yesterday, Grbo, Jevgenij, Briyesh, Ralph, Norman and I think Karl too. The link to the recording of the whole demo was shared – but I can’t see it because I’m not a member there (paranoia rulez!).

I was still able to hear all of it, all the smoke and mirrors. Ralph was admiring the whole thing, no matter that they obviously don’t know two bits about Feds database – they expect doctors to be in t_demo (!), and dem_pk to be the identity of such a record (even though there’s xxx_acu_id everywhere around the app and nothing references dem_pk and there are many field descriptions in the database for most of relevant tables. “Phonenumbers would be optional” - sure, you didn’t even have the time to see how (weirdly) t_phonenumbers connects to t_demo.

Netherlands: 5, Canada: 7, US: 1,1, UK: 1, Serbia: 2, Ireland: 1,1 and India: 4.

Today we started getting milk from the new guy, from a nearby village. He works in a metal shop next street, spitting distance from the Bečkerek tavern, and will deliver four liters on monday and wednesday and friday, in them big 6l bottles. As with the previous guy, the milk is straight from the cow, still warm, at 7:00 when he goes to work. Milk is 70 din/l, and the price will stay for the next three years. The guy simply printed his offer, with a dozen slips with his mobile number tearable at the bottom, and posted it around the area. (... 1 word...)She found it posted on the supermarket's message board, tore a slip, called the guy, agreed on the schedule and so it started. This is our third milkman, and turned out enduring the longest.

Mentions: Bečkerek, Briyesh Dupta, Feds, Jan Brenkelen, Jevgenij Nosorowetz, Karl Poulain, Kees de Cock, Majkrosoft (m$), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Norman Shen, Prasad Gorbeau (Grbo), Ralph Rotnik, in serbian