
Nick, 16.33 - We have a demo portal .. but to demo the pay section (scheduler & activexperts) , We have activexperts only connected to one database (test) and also the ischeduler is also only on the test server , So I had to backup the demo db and restore it on the test server.. So if you are doing a demo for the pay section , ,, all you will need to do is change the connection string in ideas test and portal to the demo connection string (that is saved in the FedsTest server), and also use the Feds test portal to demo ..
Bit confusing , I know :) ...

David, 16.35 - :)

Nick, 16.35 - What we need is another activexperts for demo :) ... @Nina and portal team , let's discuss this some day very soon ... And Nina is right, we need to tidy up

Nina, 16.38 - Here's my page as an attempt to have some sort of inventory: https://Firriver..../678756362/FedsWeb+Portal+-+internal+instances

Karl, 16.40 - It’s tidy. No need for alarm. The issue is development. Does this take place on MM servers or AWS. Currently ActiveXperts is in use on AWS. Maybe it should be moved back.

Nina, 16.42 - Where is the documentation about the AWS?

Nick, 16.46 - What is AWS

Karl, 17.01 - I believe it is attached to the OP project. On a confluence page. As a developer on that project I believe that you are aware, Nina. Perhaps we should consider copying it to the general Confluence page outlining servers on the MM Internal space. I leave that to your discretion as a user of that server.

Nina, 00.03 - Here's what I know about the AWS server:

1. Address: [IP:port here]

2. It's a copy of the old dev server

3. It has (had?) an issue with disappearing C drive space

4. A bunch of folders/files got encrypted, including the test version of Feds we were using for developing/testing online payments.

And that's about it. It's not one of the "New Server Infrastructure" documented here: https://Firriver...../530743312/New+Server+Infrastructure - I could totally put on my Sherlock hat and try to figure out who is responsible for it and what to put into documentation.

Ralph, 00.18 - I believe Norman and Jevgenij could add some colour to this AWS server but they aren’t even in this chat it looks like. Nina perhaps you could reach out to Jevgenij or Norman and they could help provide necessary documentation colour.

me, 00.19 - I take "colour" means "we heard we have a server we didn't know we had".
Secret projects, secret teams and now even a secret server.

Ralph, 00.21 - I honestly don’t know what you are referring too. Please PM me if you have a concern.

me, 00.22 - No PMs. Say in public when was Operation announced to the general Firriver audience, on what meeting and who was present. A recording or log would suffice.

Mentions: David Berton, Feds, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Jevgenij Nosorowetz, Karl Poulain, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Nicolas O'Keefe (Nick), Norman Shen, Operation Zone53, Ralph Rotnik, in serbian