
This was cooking for a few days. I talked with Jan about how to solve the case #808. The code in case exports patient's records and documents (i.e. separate files) as one huge xml, then in another instance of the app they get imported as a new patient (and later optionally merged with an existing patient's record). Worked fine until they started including videos among documents - the xml grew too much. So my solution would be to package it as smaller xmls for tables and files as they were, packaged into a single zip. He agreed with that.

Monday evening, Jevgenij called around 19:00 (two hours past my even theoretical, working hours, after my dinner time) about a MMSD case. It turns out he didn’t even know there’s already #808 (clearly linked in the case), which was on my list already and I would have started working on it the next day anyway. But he talked with Jaz and all of a sudden

Jevgenij, 19.23 - it sounds like you haven't started with it
this issue was logged in May

me 19.24 - I'm not working on fridays, and on thursday it wasn't on my list.

Jevgenij, 19.24 - I see.

Me 19.24 - It seems it was assigned to me today. as #808. I'll have to read a lot of code first, I wasn't involved in this patient export at all.

Jevgenij, 19.25 - sounds good.

Me 19.26 - Since there's nothing else urgent on my list, it's on tomorrow's agenda.

Jevgenij, 19.26 - goooood
please tell me what your verdict is gonna be
when you read it

me 19.27 - Now seeing the problem and remembering the discussion... the big files would have to be packaged separately, not inside xml (if that was the case). I'll see.

Jevgenij, 19.28 - also, can we offer temp solution until you are working on the permanent one?

Me 19.28 - don't know until I read the code. I don't really know how it works.

Jevgenij, 19.30 - keep me posted pls. it sounds that the client is not happy with us at all

me 19.31 - Jaz? She was very happy two months ago with Harley Street migration. I wonder if she expects yet another miracle for yesterday...

Jevgenij, 19.37 - no idea... but this ticket from May needs attention for sure. their support guy has reached to me and David. he's desperate … note from Das" There is a dev team ticket, which is also attached herewith. This is a typical issue, it happens for Document files of certain file size or above. We have already given them a work around to keep them going in the mean time. They need to temporary remove the large files from the Documents section, export the patient file. Import it on the other end, and add those few large files back into the imported patient file. There is a bit of work but it get's it done"

me 19.40 - I saw that, it was mentioned in the discussion.

Jevgenij, 19.48 - perfect

So he talks with Jaz and she tells him about this problem and he talks to me. Passing a bit of a pressure from the customer, nothing new. But.

And I'm not doing anything that's not on my list, I got chided four times (during Laura's reign) for doing things before they were put on schedule (it created a mess with release notes that she didn't know how to resolve), and this public scrubbing was never revoked. So I consider it a standing rule to do nothing but what's approved and assigned to me, plus maybe investigate a little about candidate cases but write no code.

So mentioning may was the first sign, he was trying to make me guilty even before I had a chance to say anything. Then he mentioned he talked with the customer (ah, virginity lost) and she wasn't happy. Well she was extremely happy two months ago when I did the Harley street data migration for her. Well, well.

sidenote: Nina checked the case and its history. It was tossed back and forth between Das and Suez at least three times - not important, we'll do it later - yes important, they have problems and manual workaround is unsafe, complicated and tiresome - no - yes - no - yes, add urgency - ok, let's push it to change request.

So it was discussed recently. When I finished whatever else I was doing on monday, I checked this case and it just confirmed what I thought: when exporting a patient from Feds in one huge xml, the document files get encoded as base64, which encodes 3 bytes as 4, so if one of the documents is a video, it could be a few hundred megabytes, and the parser probably can't read such a file. I was actually wrong - it can't even create it.

So I told him that I'll start working on it first thing in the morning, that I already discussed the case with Jan and we agree on the plan of action. All fine and dandy but - he was interrupted, so two minutes later Briyesh calls (and I could hear him in the background, they sit in the same office) and almost appologizes, "this escalated too high too fast", sorry 'bout that etc etc. Cheap replica of bad cop good cop routine.

Then Das calls about the same thing (I guessed right and told him so even before he said a word, and yes it was the good cop Briyesh who prompted him, I guess based on the national basis) but with him at least I agreed on a few technical points.

Mentions: Briyesh Dupta, David Berton, Feds, Jan Brenkelen, Jevgenij Nosorowetz, Laura O'Hare, Mohandas Raj (Das), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Suez Lima, in serbian