
(Machine, Yugoslavia)

A 17 inch Lenovo laptop I bought in 2012, mostly for purposes of staying in touch with Go while we went to Niš and at the same time expected Neša to be born any day, and then also for the demo in Sofija that I held with David in that clinic there. The machine never saw much use, except perhaps in the times when Lena was using it.

Bought it online without an OS, took one W7 pro from Firriver's MSDN subscription (two actually, the other one was on my main machine), so it's called Nanovo, which means literally "from scratch", "anew" but also rhymes with the brand.

Much better monitor than gugolj, even though they are allegedly the same model with slight differences, and this is only two years younger.

Mentions: 27-VI-2009., 16-VII-2009., 27-VII-2012., 15-VIII-2012., 21-VIII-2012., Bulgaria, 23-III-2016., 25-III-2016., 03-X-2016., 12-VI-2018., 15-IX-2018., 21-IX-2019., 12-IX-2020., 19-IX-2020., 02-IV-2021., Change of horses, 20-VII-2021., 11-IX-2021., The annual party, 18-IX-2021., The other annual party, 10-IX-2022., 09-IX-2023., 12-X-2023., 16-X-2023., 22-X-2023., 19-XI-2023., 04-I-2024., 13-I-2024., 23-V-2024., David Berton, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Gorana Sredljević (Go), gugolj, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Nenad Berger (Neša), zmajček, in serbian