
Yeserday I have, after a whole month of delaying it, let the zmajček update. And it booted successfully after that... on left monitor only, in some lousy resolution, 1024x768 or so, and wouldn't budge. Everything works, slowly, except I can't access anything, because the right monitor is the main one, and all the launchers are there.

So I went up, booted nanovo, tried to make a bootable fleška (thumbdrive, stole the word from Russians), tried this, tried that... But it wouldn't, because I've turned it from a bootable into regular twice already, and now it's welded in a readonly state, adamantly. I gave up on it for a while, as we had to go to Čankovo, because Zdravko said he'll come with a new pump, around 18. We picked the same cherry the third time, got some 13kg off it. Could have picked 30 more, if we could fly, there's so much on those upper branches.

At sheduled time he called, said professor I have a huge problem, I've hit a bicyclist, fuckmemother I didn't see him, now we're waiting for ambulance and militia*, here they come okay talk ya later. Well fuckit... We packed and then [went] home.

By the evening I still didn't manage to force the fleška to format, not even with the Windowses, despite concerted efforts of Go and Stanley.

Nina reported that she managed to spay Sushi (the cat). At the veterinarian's there was already someone with two cats, Mochi and Kimchi. The guy seems to be specialized for cats named from asian cuisine. It's Violet's birthday, but she got asleep only at noon, and by four they were supposed to be aat Fayes's. They arrived somehow, by five. Linda and Sanda finally got acquainted with Eleese, who is already over twenty and is quite a chick, studying something. Not that they left any deep impression on each other. Raja is almost as tall as she is, three fingers missing to match. Mark is supposed to arrive next week, for her birthday.

In the morning, when I got up (which must have been around noon, the tooth was fucking me, the wisdom upper left, not that it hurt anything serious, but just enough to keep me awake, and then when it passes I can't wake up), I formatted the 8G ezdea card which was once in the Lumia camera and then held music in the car, fried a Linux Mint 21.3 on it and ran setup. Fuck, it won't. Repeat. Same, it just won't. Okay, after lunch. For lunch Stanley and I were supposed to barbecue, but it rained overnight, finally, so she cooked one of her legendary čorbe (kohlrabi, potatoes, farina-eggs-meat for pljeske in dumplings) and the previous day's podvarak (where Go admired the amount of meat, kilo and a bit, which went into it). Then went back to it, screwed something else so it wouldn't even boot into the old version, which hangs in some 'emergency state'... but there I noticed that that Sandisk SSD of 120G is shitty somehow, as if it can't be hooked into but then now you see it now you not... ahem. Took a look at it, saw that it contained nothing but old Linux installs from years ago, okay, deal, wipe its partitions and install on it. Starts, goes, everything works. It's now called zmajček15.

I showed to Stanley a bit of the ease and speed of installing stuff and how it remembers everything from before. Found the solitaire, installed, ran it, showed that even my stats (still around 9% of wins, both of us playing) are kept. It took some trouble to renew the database in postgres (where I keep the data for all of Byo, sGradlj.com and fes), because I forgot the syntax and kept making mistakes, but eventually got it right, and here, I'm writing this the next day (24th) in exactly that database.

Meanwhile, he had some fun with my chainsaw. I did drop by Forest trejd (aka „Šuma trade“) to ask how to start it, considering that it sat idle for three years, and the guy said the carburetor must have stuck, so either dismantle and clean it with some lighter gasoline**, or inject some fuel into chamber and start it like that, that should clean it. And he started dismantling, just to take a peek inside, and injected a bit of dublewdeeforty just in case, won't hurt any. And managed to just start it up after that. Every honor, majstor.

On twonnyforth we finally lit the barbecue. There was some rain in the morning, but it stopped just when needed. She helped some with preparing the meat and laying the ćevapčići on the grille, we two did the rest. And the steaks turned out quite well, this time we took them off as soon as they started getting proper color. Once the color is there, then it's already a bit late, they get drier and harder. This time we got it right, both Neša and Anita ate them, what with the russian salad with mayo made of today's eggs - from homemade stuff.


* in socialist time it was called a militia because that's what it initially was; it soon became a regular police but kept the name

** not the gasoline for lighters, I meant the gasoline of less heavy composition

Mentions: Anita Jennifer Berger (Anita), Byo (Byo), Čankovo, čorba, ćevapčići, Eleese Aquila (Eleese), fes, Gorana Sredljević (Go), homemade, Linda Sredljevich Aquilla (Linda), majstor, Mark Anderson, nanovo, Nenad Berger (Neša), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Rosanda Aquilla (Fayes), Ryu (Raja), Sanda Sredljević Aquilla (Sanda), sGradlj.com, Stanley Berger, Violet, Zdravko Lakatoš, zmajček, in serbian