
The opislt.dbf table (as described under 19-VIII-1998.) was added to genhlp, ed_help.prg, ed_hlps.prg and other variants.

The simple version was more oriented to work with FPD; the hlps version used edMemo.prg instead of the upitig2.prg generated dialog and had some options to include gifs (screenshots of pieces of app described here and there) so to make the generated html help look better.

There's also a lt.prg (generated by catal6) which would aid the insertion of standard pieces of text into the help.

Also this is when the main screen for assets was generated. Don't know who did that, perhaps Joška or that girl who was doing a kind of fellowship. Nope, she was here last year, while Avai was still in Bangro's smaller building.

We didn't go for The Walk anymore, Sloba has signed the lex specialis, ceded the authority in all the contested cities. Go had, just in case, bought us whistles, when she was in Belgrade, to protest the opening of Fest. They succeeded in interrupting it, the protest was really massive. I kept the whistle in my winter jacket for at least two more winters.

Mentions: 03-VI-1997., 19-VIII-1998., assets app, Avai, Bangro, catal6, genHlp, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Joška Apro, upitig2.prg, in serbian