
(App, Yugoslavia)

A dialog generator in GenerAll. Seriously tricky, because in FPD2.6 it was possible to change the source of the currently running .prg file, because it would compile it first, run the compiled version and close the source - in which I'd replace the generic call to this generator (with lists of parameters - the variables to GET, their formats, initial values, and validation expressions) with a new call to this same generator but with only one parameter - the name of the generated dialog, which it would then run the next time.

catal6 applied the same trick.

I wrote the previous version while still in DBA and Grgi liked that a lot - but it was not a true generator, it would build the whole dialog in memory, on the run, and would do it every time.

Mentions: 02-II-1994., 22-IX-1994., 24-X-1994., 31-X-1994., 07-XI-1994., 30-XI-1994., 13-I-1995., 15-I-1995., 06-II-1995., 17-II-1995., 22-II-1995., 20-III-1995., 17-IV-1995., 24-IV-1995., 17-VII-1995., 27-VII-1995., 25-II-1996., 06-II-1997., 15-III-1997., 21-V-1999., assets app, Atila Gereg (Grgi), catal6, DBA, GenerAll, in serbian
