
Sixteenth, a major improvement in regal

Working on genhlp... gen_hlp.prg (or the hlps version) bears a timestamp left by upitig2.prg on its generated routine, which was to be used to enter the key to the menu branch being inserted. Though I guess the whole menu.dbf would be inserted at once (it being a hierarchical table), so I guess the purpose of this little form was to enter the starting point in the hierarchy. The keys didn't really have to be fully hierarchical, ie. the menu key is not a rip field; there was also no parent key field. Instead, there was (which is Sale's trick) a child key in the parent record, which didn't really have to be a key. If it began with MN it was, if not it was a procedure to do, i.e. the record was a leaf. Quite simple and also allowed for more than one place to call the same branch of the menu (which then confuses the users, as they try to memorize where they found this or that, and finding the same in two places is disorienting).

For a number of years we had a generated menu in DBA; one of the first things I did in GenerAll was to build the menu on the fly from menu.dbf, which helped a lot in PolC, as the menu was built after login, so depending on who logged in, some portions of the menu wouldn't be just greyed out - they'd simply not appear at all. The menu was dynamic, well at least at the moment the user logged in. It didn't change afterwards.

Avai was in the little building owned by Bangro on my side of downtown. Few months later, IIRC, we moved to their big building by the west side overpass. I sort of remember it was in the spring, but that's all. Perhaps spring 1997? Nope, there's a zip on 28th with a version of assets, containing even a the.log, metadata for catal6, code generated by rebfpt.prg all on that date, and with that volunteer girl's nickname in the zip's filename. She didn't stay long, and left before we moved. So the move should be in spring.

Mentions: Aleksandar Raskov (Sale), assets app, Avai, Bangro, catal6, DBA, GenerAll, genHlp, PolC, rebfpt.prg, regal, the.log, upitig2.prg, in serbian