
At home, new report in the main ledger, comparing the state of suppliers and buyers, which was interesting for clearing - where a firm delivers a lot to one who is a supplier to its mess hall, or of its office supplies. Wasn't touched much later, the last version if of march 1996.

On eighteenth the opisfmmt4.prg got its own upitig2.prg dialog, because there are options to choose. In MEC some „active materials“ appeared... something simple but they needed it for something. The manufacturers form generated again, and then something about throughput, including one general overview, which would call gen_sql to generate a query condition to filter only those records the user wanted to see, and then show that via catal6. I still don't quite get why did Ileš copy that into the payroll directory, what's it doing there. If he wanted to steal a trick or two, it still wouldn't work, it's a generated bit of code which uses data served by two other pieces of GenerAll, it's completely unusable so out of context and without the underlying table (and metadata, for that matter, which are app specific).

In parallel, on home front, started an app for a veterinary station, the director of which was Stana. The borders are blurred now, who did what, but a bunch of files between 18th to 24th of april look like they were done by Vanji's older son, who was a sort of an apprentice in Avai. I guess he was finishing that catholic gimnazija there in Hungary and already enrolled into whetever over there, who'll know, but I see he was rather left to himself, didn't know GenerAll enough so he invented things that already existed and were available to use... he managed. Most of these files are gone from the later zips, so I guess it was somewhat chaotic.

Stana left us to her programmer, who wasn't much of a coder, she graduated the petefi, but still knew things and thought the right way, and turned out to be a great help. And, ouch, why was this app also in juski...

On 19th I wrote some gadget to synchronize two help tables... because one was ours, which we inserted into help.dbf whenever we found the time, and the other one belonged to that doctor who got the fox floppies to install at home... so this opened both tables and copied the text from one into the other. Three years later (v. 09-II-1998., about genhlp) I added a dialog („pitalica“ - asker, questioner) which would scour boh tables, and presented some possible criteria before asking how to merge the tables - left to right, reverse, or no way at all.

Few reports for MEC in the evening and a reb_dbfs.prg generated by rebfpt.prg... and this is when that app was on its best, only downhill from there. Its task is tracking the wares in stock of medicines, where simple quantity in, quantity out just isn't enough. These are medicines. It undergoes some seven phases between the incoming truck and the pharmacy confirms having put it on shelf. It's checked and rechecked, not just which pill is in the box, but whether the format, weight, packaging are exactly the same as the paperwork says, what's the lot number, expiration date, who signed what and was he authorized for it. So seven steps in an item's history... so, one item, one table? Nope, Vanji insisted this should be seven tables. Fucked both the station and its master here, because in many places I had seven times more work - instead of having one set of fields and just a few different meanings for some of them, I had seven sets, and it was doomed to have a glitch in the logic somewhere, some circumstance we failed to anticipate, some validation ran into a case we haven't thought of. Not to even think of deletions, what if it got to the sixth phase and they need to delete the third? Allow deletion or not? Well, chaos.

And their liaison officer for us was a transitional hoodlum. To differ from most of Hungarians of the time, who not only didn't want to learn russion, confess knowing russian, confess to ever had any russian lessons, this guy traded with the remnants of the red army for as long as they were present. By who knows which treaty, some of these guys were still there, doing nothing. They just sat, drank, had fun, and received goods from home. This guy bought from them whatever they offered - binoculars, small portable teevees (the „Junosć“ had a 12cm screen and used both 220V and car battery), anything went, and then sold that, at outrageous prices, to natives who were loathe to talk with Russians. His profits were staggering.

On 20th I wrote chkpjx, which is some seed of project control. Nothing big nor complex, just combing the directories and listing (into a file, today's addition). Also reformatted the automated ledger from the goods into the main ledger - now call to upitig2.prg, ran the documenter to beautify the code. I guess I did that, don't remember anyone else with the habit of making code look pretty... well okay, perhaps Joška, but then he didn't approach accounting not even to gunshot*.


* „puškomet“ - as far as gun can shoot, analogous to earshot

Mentions: 10-II-1995., 09-II-1998., Avai, catal6, fox, GenerAll, genHlp, gimnazija, Ileš Notaroš, Joška Apro, juski, MEC, payroll, petefi, rebfpt.prg, Stana Čopanja, upitig2.prg, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian

20-VII-2021 - 26-VI-2024