19-IX-1970.: and the rest of the month

Helter skelter... anonymous letters flying around. Oli Boj got one, allegedly signed by Patak, whereby he professes his love to her (he denied having anything to do with it, in very ugly and convincing terms, can't be him), "met you at a birthday, don't know if you remember me, I was with another girl, A., but for just two days as I want only you... but you were drunk and coldly refused me...". In other news, Duca now loves Sarča, but he loves another one, who isn't much but he may have found something in her. Then another anonymous letter was sent to him, written by Oli Boj and dictated by Dragana, signed as Duca. Confusion is complete, lots of fun.

On 15th, Gradivoj brought the battery record player and the new album "Bridge over troubled water", the batteries were just enough to hear all of it, just lying like that on that piece of cardboard. It's the "Cobb records" company, you send them 50 dinars in an envelope and say which records you want, they send you two records and a catalog with more titles. Cool, eh? It took some time for the records to arrive, our customs were full of illiterate morons who'd suspect anything, but these records were coming. He wasn't the only one, and the number of guys who were buying records was such that most of the folks knew at least one. I met a few more. I wished I could join the club, but I was already treated with a lot (dad would pay for that projector etc for a few more months).

Today, at school, two girls from one of nearby villages approached me and asked my name. For no reason, but I could guess - there would be a third, to shy to make contact herself, but still curious so she'd need the name to ask around. I forgot who they were and their faces, but wrote this down as, well, an event.

The Dedica said "you know" 58 times today.

There's a PA in the schoolyard, and the reins are in the senior's hands. They are playing just the right music -- Zeppelin, Dylan, Kinks, Deep Purple... a lot of good stuff. Five minute short breaks, ten minute break after 2nd class, 15 after third. And they barely ever miss a break. And it's exactly loud enough to hear from anywhere in the yard, and yet not so loud that we can't talk. Perfect. And the class is great, just good guys, most of them. They are all from surrounding villages except Sredljak and me, so we don't see each other after school, but it doesn't matter.

On 27th there are motorbike races around Lesnina and nearby buildings. There are six right angle curves, one bump (by Šanta, where it crosses the older cobblestone street). The movie club is in the making, and there's a plan to make a movie of the races, that is, not exactly the races, but the last hour before the start. The initial tech is already there: we have the space (somewhere downtown, owned by Narodna tehnika and was given to the old Foto Klub in 1948, which then stopped working) but there's a retired guy in there, selling lottery. And we have the editor, that we bought in june, and the most important part: the ideas. The main idea being that it's a waste that all those kids who learn the technique in sekcija in elementary, don't have a place where to go on, because high schools don't have that. So let's make a club at the city level.

The initial members would be Lazar, Jablan (met him then, when we approached Narodna tehnika), Pop (see Sarajevo, june, last year), and at least one more guy (turned out it was Bukac, whom I also knew).

Gradivoj and Dragana were never closer to breakup. He says she's so full of herself. She, Tejka, Duca and Oli Boj are regularly visiting the 2nd floor (ie. 2nd grades') toilet at breaks just to smoke there... but that's male toilet. And the guys just take the chance to take a leak then. Dunno how much that equals "full of oneself". Tejka is pushing hard to keep the two together, watches what Dragana says and sometimes even responds instead of her. She's becoming very commanding and annoying, so I'm grabbing a chance to annoy her when I can. Like that time when they were playing "Come to the sabbath" by Black Widow.

me: say what you want, but this is just a very good song

she: so what, it really is good

me: you know the band?

she: no, who are?

Then I go on about the translated name, of song and band, of (well fake but who cares) black magic etc etc, she goes pale green in face and just says "enough!".

Later in the day, Gradivoj told of a girl from his class who came to ask who's that guy, and then she got my nickname all wrong but still recognizable, who has such a pretty head. Ummm.

This month dad went to Hungary, as part of some professional delegation, of course to Békescsaba - as our cities were fraternizing. He found Feri, visited the family, made a few shots. The only other shots of the months are of the neighbors visiting.

Mentions: Ács Ferenc (Feri), Dragana Vitas (Dragana), Dušica Tošin (Duca), Gradivoj Buković (Bukac), Gradivoj Čović, Gradivoj Sarčević (Sarča), Gradivoj Sredljev (Sredljak), Jablan Arsin, Lazar Josin, Lesnina, Marko Popović (Pop), Olivera Stojanović (Oli Boj), Patak, sekcija, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Šanta, in serbian