
Great day. During the PE class, Slavka came to me with great news - Spužva (the latin guy) is not here. I had to kiss her (on the cheek) for the good news. Then, hey, what if he does appear? You'll have to return the kiss... So for the first (and only) time I wished for the guy to show up. Luckily, he didn't, so sixth class was out. Tejka needed just two words to make me stay on the korzo after the fifth. Actually no, we went to the other side, to the bank of the river (just as close) and we talked about just everything and everybody, including both Joška and Pišta, Dragana and allegedly many things became clearer to me (yeah right, I don't remember any of that, must have been very important).

Then I stopped writing because grandma couldn't quite sleep, so my light was annoying her, and then she began her bit of a tirade for the night (yeah, it was past 00:30). Wish she'd do that once a week and be done with it, but no, it has to be every day, bit by bit.

Ah, about Dragana, I wrote that two days later - how she was with Joška on and off. She'd start going with him, then would go to Ohrid, he'd go there after her, only to "drink the heel" (get kicked out), then back home she'd make up to him only to ditch him again, then would cry the next day, send Duca the next morning as a peacemaker, then she ditches him the same evening again, then cries the morning after... The guy just wouldn't be bothered anymore.

This week, 22nd-27th, we're doing practice work in the printery, probably 8-12 and then school in the afternoon (no homework, though). It's just two blocks from the school, and it's quite interesting. We're scheduled in groups, Zova, Sredljak, Bajče, Dragana, Tejka and Ivanka. It's mostly no work at all, just trying to stand somewhere where we wouldn't be in the way, play buzzers (zujalice)... I don't know how many čvrga I got. I got into their photo lab, the old guy saw that I know a lot, so I even got into doing some lab work there, blanking out the edges of the sticky tape they used to attach the photos onto the zinc plates, stood there while the arc light exposed the weakly sensitive emulsion, helped where I could.

Dragana is presently simmering both Staša and me, at times. She'd snuggle up to me during this printery stint, hold my arm around the elbow, humming "What do you do on sunday, babe" from "Dawn" (was a minor hit at the time). Asked me what does "do you want me" mean, so I translated. She asked me do I want her, putting on one of her faces she uses only when simmering a guy, and ahem, you picked the time to ask that, in front of so many people, and specially considering what I just heard the other day... It's one thing to pass innuendos etc, which could be taken as both serious and as serious fun, and completely another to say something definitive in the middle of it... and then it may go this way or that way. I may end up as the happy guy and/or get ditched in a couple of weeks or be mocked all day starting in a minute... Dunno, no matter how I want her, I don't want something that would last three days and leave bitter taste. Besides, nobody alive could tell the difference between mocking and serious simmering. So I answered with something equally ambiguous and noncommittal ("it all depends on how you mean it"), in the same spirit - could be taken this way or that. We were getting really good at that kind of speech, where anything can mean what it says, or be taken with sexual connotations. At the time, Radoje once said that "if all words that can have the other meaning were taken out of the dictionary, the dictionary would not just lose all the pages, it would lose the cover too, because cover can also mean...".

On 25th D.M. went home (the social sciences have fewer classes, we on the sciences are on some experimental curriculum with two classes of math above regular). I guessed I'd be walking home alone, as Višnja was in the choir and they had the rehearsal in the evening. But I saw her in front of the staff room, waiting for someone, probably a professor. Our classroom was next door (caused us lots of trouble, we were caught too often), so I talked her into showing her what we had on the wall. "you who have entered, will stay until death", "ave z, morituri te salutant" (that was for history guy), "moriatur professor m.v. (spužva)" (latin guy). I don't remember where these slogans were, probably quite small in some corners or under the coathanger (and I guess it was me who wrote them, possibly with Zova). Then told her who sits where, about Sonja and her cute pešter-banat-morava accent, then switched to biafran and jewish jokes I picked this summer, then which movie to watch ("Bubašinter" is a must!)... and this was as close I ever got to her. Just don't increase the distance, please...

Mentions: Branislav Bačikin (Bajče), čvrga, Dragana Vitas (Dragana), Dušica Tošin (Duca), Gradivoj Sredljev (Sredljak), Ivanka Stojančev, Joška Rac, korzo, Pišta Rac, Radoje Maletin, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Slavka Vinković, Sonja Savković, Stanoje Serdarević (Staša), Višnja Lazin, Zdravko Smetovački (Zova), in serbian