
In the morning at Pop, memorable moment when Grne accepted a bet that he'll take a lady bear to the school and dance with her in the yard, for 10000 dinars.

Then went to the Radijator for the practice work (it's this week... so they have the time to finish remodeling), and from there to DC-99. There it's all on the move, painting the walls. Plotting to paint the main room orange, without Lazar's knowledge, but there's a faction, mostly younger chicks, which is against it.

In the evening, at the disco, talked long with R. about those things. Too smart for her age, good company for talk. Confessed a lot to each other.

Stumbled upon a stunning blonde, M.M., bluffed some about needing a fresh face for a movie (there's no movie, doesn't matter, I'd make one up), we talked quite a lot. I was stunned that she doesn't mind being a year older than me. And I escorted her. More lively conversation along the way, we listened to each other carefully, she countered me freely, everything went just fine... and then no kiss in the end, she refused with a lovely smile.

(turned out she left for Sweden a couple of years after that; her brother stayed and became a locally famous lawyer, I even think he represented Vanji in a process, but that's beyond horizon now)

On 13th a letter from Rudolf and Bruno came, where they said nothing, in 18 points. Two bags of tea in the envelope, one for me one for mom.

The letter from Inge was... confused. Half of what I wrote she ignored or got wrong. Complained about a low mark she got in english, "thanks for your teaching". And then went on retelling news about the München massacre. Alright, but I'm not interested.

Says her brother bought, in Spain, the "Without you" single from Nilsson, and now she plays it and remembers how hot we were there in the disco. And sends me an enormous kiss... yeah, right, better be here and deliver it personally. It indeed was all dreamlike.

On thursday (14th) was at Dom, spoke with the manager about the shooting tonight (Korni grupa is playing!). Said I should get a court summons soon, to be a witness about that poetry evening (see 01-VI-1972., was on 9th).

On korzo met Ruška again, smiling that special way again, guess she has no other way. Afternoon, practice work at the foundry, much easier than the day before.

In the evening, drew myself at Dom at 19:10 with regula and the club flash, shot the "pillars of Dom", i.e. the orderlies (aka bouncers), but Kuža was missing (!). Among them is the two meter guy from ruža, whom we mocked to surround the supermarket. Good shot of the deejay at work, with hands full of LPs.

Lots of shots of the concert, will make good business, here Pa šta onda want to have their own shooting on tuesday.

Korni grupa is still the best band in the country. Furda was making incredible facess while playing "First light". I wish I could have their old long songs to listen thoroughly (will come true only in 2003.). Bought a booklet with the texts, finally cleared out some misheard lyrics.

After concert heard some confession from Tejka, related to Grne. She's got the hots for Zlatko, the current singer in Korni grupa, though she says Dado was much more of a guy. This guy is just sweet.

Did the prints the next day. Smoke gets in the way of flash, everything's milky. Barely dragged out some contrast, had to add light to periphery (hide middly by thumb) to get at least some black somewhere. The surrounding shots - the drummer of Pa šta onda, the "pillars" came out as if from better not say what.

On saturday went with dad to Timişoara, my new passport's maiden voyage and to buy some food.

Mentions: 01-VI-1972., 31-XII-1972., Bruno Kessler, DC-99, Dom omladine, Grne, Inge Hertmann (Inge), korzo, Lazar Josin, Marko Popović (Pop), Radijator, regula, Rudolf Ochsner, ruža, Ružica Bajin (Ruška), Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian