Bruno Kessler

(Person, Germany)

Just a guy, friend of Rudolf and therefore mine. But we didn't quite click, were crazy in different ways - went along fine, but let the contact drop soon after 1973, while other such contacts remained.

Once he was buying a bra (or is it a pair?) for his girlfriend, and when the clerk girl asked for a measure he just said "two handfuls". He had to show his hands so the clerk could gauge the size... and it was right.

In another version of that, he asked for size 53. There's no such number. But I measured it precisely. With what? A hat.

Not much of a student. Last I heard, he got married to a rich grl and smashed her dad's mercedes. Maybe not in that order.

Mentions: july 1972., Vacation, intro., 01-VII-1972., 14-VII-1972., 18-VII-1972., Finally, 19-VIII-1972., 12-IX-1972., 17-XI-1972., 06-I-1973., 23-III-1973., 16-IV-1973., 04-VII-1973., Hat club rides again, 05-VII-1973., 07-VII-1973., 15-VII-1973., 05-VIII-1973., Back together, 15-IX-1973., 07-II-1976., Rudolf Ochsner, in serbian