17-VI-1974.: Olympics high

Got the money, they treated me for graduation, so went to Optika and bought the praktika. Tried it out all day, developed in the evening.

The next day returned the flash to DC-99, all ready. Rolls of film distributed, we go as two groups, then see which one fared better. The shooting sectors were assigned the next day, though.

And on 19th there was the big rush. The 2nd SOŠOV (or sošof, as Mika Putnik said each time) begins the next day. She got a seven from Žika (couldn't remember which subject it was, asked now, it was biology). We couldn't set any specific time to meet as I didn't know when and where I'll be, may she count on me dropping by out of the blue. Tentatively, saturday evening.

And finally on 20th it began. In the morning a full rehearsal, we waited for Tarča to bring the films. I stood a while with Adža, his sister has a crazy* face. Afternoon, grand opening on the stadium. ŽGLJ is, wait for it, a member of the torch commitee. The big grand fake, and for umpteenth time these month I write that it reminds me of Orwell's two minutes hate. The more I shoot, the more I'll have to edit later. Of course, I'm positioned all wrong, opposite from the tribunes, but that's my sector.

Aftermath. The only slide I kept.

Aftermath. The only slide I kept.

After the parade, the big rush - the first evening projection, in Dnevnik's kiosk (rather, a bookshop) near Nama, showing the movies. I brought my sound system, club's tape recorder, shoved the boxes out on the street, pointed the picture from behind, via a mirror and matted glass. In the shop the clerk and three girls, one of whom was spitting image of Anja, except the black hair - the demeanor, the charm, and the cracked voice. Afterwards I just collected my gear and ciao. Met the guy from Subotica, who was with Nora last summer. Met him the next day again and gave him the picture of them in the circle of bottles.

Friday 21st, the business commences. Limply at first, for one someone lifted the Radnički stadium, everyone there already had pictures taken (which I saw later, they were a disaster). Tried to organize projections in Zmaj, failed first time, second time it was just weak. Caught a group of girls from Pančevo, that paid off, but in total ou of ten groups I shot six. Great confusion with projections on the main street, because one of the teachers from Novi ran them in the Forum's bookshop, two shops to the left from Volta where he was supposed to be. Nobody knew of that, so we lost a whole man! Lazar came back from Belgium, brought the first pocket calculator, so we played with that, just had to see that miracle.

Old club tape recorder, with improvised cables.

Old club tape recorder, with improvised cables.

(a remark about that cable... it's the old cable from my first turntable from 1965, a din three on one side, and two separate prongs, power outlet type, which fit into the old radio, and amazingly also do into my sound line and into this old reel-to-reel; the metal piece I had to pull down because it was too thick for the socket)

In the evening they sent Tarča and me to a village to run a projection, but at the other elementary they wouldn't let us take our equipment, until we organize a dance. Which we somehow did, picked Bukac and then went a few places with him to collect some music. Tarča simmered some girl but she ran away. Left Bukac to play the records for the dance, and Tarča and I went to the village. Nobody there knew we were coming, got nothing done. Returned him to the school and went home.

Saturday 22nd. Hitchhiked to the club, the grand rehearsal of the final projection, then at nine to Zmaj to sell the pics. Others were so-so, but the Pančevo gang pulled me through. All day either hitch or bus - we had passes for the duration, so it was for free. In the afternoon everything stopped because we were playing against Scotland, a WC. Went home to eat, then to her. Almost wanted to eat her, she looked so sweet.

Made shots of Pančevo girls during the match, then ran to Radnički. Waited quite long for the match to finish, to shoot both teams, but their lecturer (see school levels) fucked me up. At least I shot the paramedics, and the crowd going wild when we scored against Scotland, and some puppies.

Went home, ate, took the car, went to the club, developed the negative. A book arrived from Rudolf, "Clockwork orange" - the original, and I think without the added hepiend**. Running back and forth, organizing the final projection, and a few minutes before 20:00 I was sitting in the first row with with her, ready to get on the stage. Didn't turn out too bad, all in all. Then picked up my rags and we quickly vanished. Forgot to bring her cigarettes, but okay, bought new ones. In disco we met Kale and some girlie who was in the bulletin editorial staff.

On the way back Kale waited for me, so drove him home and then went to the club to do some photos. Tarča and Z. fucked up nicely, they left photos in the fixer. You never do that, you leave them in the water, if you don't have the time to dry them. So I spent 20 pieces of photo paper and then the whole run was a loss, gave up for the evening.

The last day, 23rd. Had to hitch, no wonder, fewer buses on sundays. Redid the last night's batch, found the girls from Pančevo and sold them the photos. In the afternoon it was all over, finally, we really had enough. Before dusk went to pick her, then went home with her to return the car and wash my hair. In the city, a big dance on the square, Omege and Grne's band alternating. (... 17 words...) the court[house] and the protestant church (which never worked that I know, one of those buildings where someone hanged himself and then it's closed since). (... 11 word...) Too tired, I dragged myself home, luckily hitched someone.

On 24th the big dispute in DC-99, actually cooling off our nerves after the storm. Third time flood in the lab. Still more photos to print.

On 25th she passed the practical part of physics, we go together the next day.

On 26th we still can't believe that we're alone in the car and going to Novi. Waited at her faks for two long hours. She didn't pass, took her time to cry it off. Said the cow had a verdict on her from the moment she saw her, nothing she could do. Sought Iskra's service shop to buy a stylus for record player. I saw the italian album of Korni grupa was published, bought it later, on 28th or 1st.


* in the slang of the times, crazy meant crazy good; the crazier the better

** it's now a word in serbian, happy end

Mentions: Bosiljko Tarčul (Tarča), David Jamaček (Kale), DC-99, Gradivoj Buković (Bukac), Grne, Lazar Josin, Novi Sad, praktika, Rudolf Ochsner, school levels, Stanimir Hadžić (Adža), Zmaj, Živorad G Ljubišić (ŽGLJ), in serbian