
In file called "bkp 5.zip" (with the space, which is weird, the spaces weren't possible then) there are a dozen oddball pieces of code, from 11th november 1993 to 13th april 1994. Two of them are versions of the sdk account number checking (there were some internal check digits, it's a bit complicated) written by Joška, but it says it's "in DBA, january 1994" and that it's given to public domain. That's about the automatic translation of the old dinar account number into new dinar account. There was some rule, as announced in the Official newspaper (yup, that's its name). Now how did this end up written by him and presented as DBA's, I have no clue, but there it is. The newer version bears this date, the old one (with same heading in comments) is from 26. december, which was a sunday.

The rest of it are mostly the early proto versions of upitig2.prg, where I switched, in 2-3 easy steps, from generated commands executed on the run, to those same commands written down into a .prg so they'd be ready for the next run - makes no sense to calculate all those positions and lengths each time, if they wouldn't change. Which, along with other add-ons, I suggested to Sale as additions to the firm's generator, which he said was great but irrelevant, as he was already working on a new generator.

I saw that new generator briefly, a couple of times, only superficially, on screen over his wife's shoulder. He compiled it into an exe and never brought the source from home. One day he and I stayed alone in the offices, after work, and I don't even remember whether there was any drink (he did have some during the day, he and Fefi stuck to "we can't have breakfast on an empty stomach, can we?"). We accused each other for working behind each other's back, but at least I had proof that I have brought what I did and shared it in the office, while he's developing this in silence, perhaps since november, and has shown nothing yet. We seriously tried to upend each other, provoke a reaction, kept poker faces and atempted to disturb each other's. I even mentioned that body sign reading, as mentioned in "Dune", with "no use trying to see how I react, I read Dune just like you did, I know what you're looking for and I can equally control my reaction just like you can, so skip it". Which I said only when I did shake his stance, visibly, for a brief moment.

The ownership of code was also mentioned... which technically could go to that metal kombinat where his team worked in 1989, good part of it was written then and there. But that kombinat hadn't cared to keep it, nor did they use it afterwards, and it's also been five years now since we in the firm kept developing it further, we added so much that its mother may not recognize it. And we agreed that ownership over code is a foggy notion at best.

We ended with no contest, i.e. if you won't bring to the office what you did, neither will I. What we called Gen_apl had got its last additions then (there was also tajp.prg, who knows which version, I wrote it in 1992 or earlier, this version sent a textfile to print by opening the printer as a file and writing into it, bypassing most of the system; also a generator of browse commands). Soon after this, Gen_apl was clinically dead, no further development, and what I did henceforth went into the future GenerAll. I had hundred objections on his opisfmt.prg (form generator), it had so much luggage from what someone once thought would be a great idea, or workarounds against the bugs in previous versions of fox (and even Dos). I liked generators, they are powerful and I can do it, it's that this needs a huge cleanup.

The remaining files in this zip are two routines for switching from old dinars to new, and a generic denomination routine, which would just ask for a cutoff date and number of zeros to remove, and would total everything up to that date, calculate a ledger entry to cancel each account's total in old dinars, then another one to add it back in new dinars. Worked automagically.

Another thing went on in parallel to this. My sezam subscription expired. Since I often pulled various drivers, fresh McAffee's virus scanners and other stuff for the office, I imagined the office could pay this subscription once in a while. True, I spent 90% of the time there on sheer fucking around, but the 10% was surely worth it. Whenever there's a trouble which could be solved that way, Sale asks whether I can find the file there. It would usually require some search through the older messages (which I'd do faster at home, there I had an offline reader with messages database), or asking folks if anyone knows, so it would arrive the same evening most of the time, so next day we had it in the office.

But I see that on this day I wrote two messages there as me (early in the morning, 7:04, when I sent my prepared autoexec file), and then one in the evening as Grgi (he gave me his username and password for the time being). It ended with Sale completely ignoring the issue, but then also stopped asking for any downloads. So not really an amputation, just cutting fingernails, and the relationship cooled off another degree.

Mentions: Aleksandar Raskov (Sale), Atila Gereg (Grgi), DBA, Ferenc Farkaš (Fefi), fox, GenerAll, Joška Apro, kombinat, sdk, sezam, upitig2.prg, in serbian