
Seventh, our couches and armchairs were done. The majstor brought them and reassembled them on the spot. Said a slat broke in each of the couches, he just replaced them and... wow fuck this this looks much better than it could have looked when it was new. And is comfortable, just exact bit harder than normal. He left the back of both unupholstered, thinking they'd go against the wall. Well, one does... never mind, he came by, there was extra cloth, sewed it up (just when aunt Milica was here), excellent.

(... 32 words...)

We got more regular with beers now - the beer being far better than over there, and having more choice. These should be bottles of Staropramen („Old well“), a czech beer.

(Later we discovered that the same brewery in Apatin makes also Amstel, Stella Artois, Tuborg, Carlsberg and whatnot, and that the licence control isn't what one would expect... they all seem to come from the same vat, but at this time it was all soooo good compared to the american piss water)

Those kitchen elements arrived that day, tenth. David was, in other news, mentioning those teleforms, which is some cockamamie scheme by which SFBC would pass the burden of filling the forms from their expensive staff to users themselves. If they could do it at least on paper, with preprinted circles for answers, fill in the corresponding circle, so some machine could later pass it to Feds (yeah, how yes no, can imagine how that would work). He and Daniel should sit with someone about it today.

The regular platoon meeting passed in testing my connection, I offered to host it, as a test, and it went fine.

Daniel asks where do we stand in re RI and SHET. Okay, except Jan found something about lookups that would affect all agency code, so when we complete that... Meanwhile, just six bugs left in SHET collection, four of which are cosmetic, will be done by end od fhe week. I'm keeping Laura updated, no worries.

On eleventh EnigMan came from Novi, to officially hand me my copy of his book, which I had proofread remotely this winter. Took him too to the same cafe by Braca's son. He wore the official t-shirt of ppp, wish I was closer to the fire when they were handed out.

On twelfth Johan caught a sparrow and ate it.

I wrote a routine to kill timers. Short and to the point, no comments, just „fucked you, Carlos“, which would probably be Carlos Aloati, whose scrollable containers we use, and these seem to have a bunch of internal timers. The trouble that fox's debugger (aka exterminator) catches timers' code too, which interrupts the routine being debugged, and when you have dozens (or hundreds) of them, debugging becomes unfeasible. So I harnessed my general recursion routine and gave it the currently active form, to scan for any active timers and deactivate them. And it's not just Carlos - Jan himself loved timers (because he never used the debugger). Sometimes they were necessary. For instance, those buttons of his would become white while mouse passed over them, and lose color (I'd say discolor...) when mouse leaves. Mouse entering was properly detected, but mouse leaving wasn't, if the button was clicked and the mouse left before the button's code finished. A timer would catch that sooner or later. Still, I can't understand why did he need four timers to accomplish that. Four per button, and sometimes he had dozens of buttons, all four timers on all the buttons active all the time (or at least two). Eventually, a couple of years later, I surcunted* and remade the buttons with no timers to start with, only a temporary timer would be created when the button was clicked, and would be destroyed when the mouse left the button. The system's speed got a boost.

In the afternoon the guy came to assemble the kitchen cabinets. Not a salon's employee, they don't assemble, a contractor, they pay. He fumbled it accordingly. Not that there's anything dangling or awry, it's just that in couple of places it's a millimeter off - there's a crack around the sink, for one, and the plate that closes the crawlspace beneath is hard to put there and take off, because some of the connectors are somewhat off. Takes force.

And of course he didn't hang them, we did. Not the first time we had to.

On the far wall of the kitchen we hung one of the clocks that dad gave us, the other was in the terrace corner window. They cost 100 dinars (sto dinala...) each and were exactly worth the money. Still too loud, like five years ago, I'll have to besound myself** so not to hear the tick of the seconds hand.

On fourteenth, another visitor from ppp - Harper with his girlfriend. Instead of a real vacation, rambling around, so why not come and see the famous gastarbajter who returned from the overthere? She was away, so Lena made a couple of shots of us together. Came across as a straightforward and nice guy, and the girl was somewhat cute (not my type). Later he gained some notoriety on the forum, veered too far to the right, though he wasn't the only one there, they had crazier than that.

On fifteenth, we held a big platoon meeting, with Go and Nina, with three way video, as usual. Worked nicely. Funny to see our big blue room on the screen while sitting here.


* literal translation, means got seriously pissed off.

** analog to dressing, bathing and other reflexive verbs, this means to acquire a sound system

Mentions: aunt Milica, Braca, Daniel Berton, David Berton, EnigMan, Feds, fox, gastarbajter, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jan Brenkelen, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Johana, Laura O'Hare, majstor, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Novi Sad, ppp, SFBC, SHET, in serbian