
(Place, tavern, firm, Yugoslavia)

The forum, where I joined on 2-xii-2007, as recommended by, I guess, ManGo (can't find the email). It's a spinoff from the forum on radio (and, as I hear, TV) B92, where several people got banned, then the forum was down for a while and nobody there cared, and then a few people started a forum website on their own. He said there'd be several people from old sezam... found one or two.

As of today, # Posts: 4,873 .

In the autumn of 2010, I left the forum for a week, when I was told I was boring - which I took as a serious possibility, and sat to think about it. After a week I came back with a new avatar (with my new hat* on it) and warmed up the sarma with everybody. Then in december I posted a youtube link to a video with best proof of chemtrails so far (which was a cuckoo's egg, faked), and there was a lynch mob to see me out of town for that. The brainwashed really believe the official version. I left for good, or for at least one lengthy forever - a year or more.

The forever lasted good two months. I came back with a slightly different attitude - I'll post on the sensitive subjects (such as may get me painted as a conspiracy theoretician) with more restraint, i.e. more rarely, but when I do, I'll take no prisoners. Meanwhile, someone noticed that our cat looks like me, which used to be reserved for dogs and their humans, and a guy posted my avatar with her muzzle pasted instead of my beard under the hat. That's my new avatar.

My final forever came in august 2011, when I had an idea to somehow turn my pet peeve of Serbia being a colony of voluntary subjects, and to mock the whole idea that Serbian language doesn't need šđčćž and that any word in it can be randomly replaced with an English one (other languages not so welcome). I first wanted to compile statistics on topic titles - how many of them completely in English, how many mixed, how many in quasi-Serbian (with only 26 characters), how many in real Serbian. Then, somehow, I took the "if you can't win them, lose them" stance and started writing as proscribed by the topic title - with the appropriate character set, capitalization and percentage of English. I thought it'd be taken as a joke, specially because I was doing that in cyrillic, but no, I was accused of trolling. So on 17-VIII-2011 I penned (ok, keyed and boarded) a farewell letter, where I didn't much choose words in which to express my opinion of them wannabe western subjects. Door shut.

Moved to burundi meanwhile, somewhere in 2012, but that forum was kind of asleep - founded more as a protest by one of more important members of ppp, but then around 2014 it woke up. By 2016, it was alive and kicking. Probably the best forum so far (apart from UA, which is a story unto itself).

I briefly returned by the end of july 2012, to find the same gang doing the same thing. I mocked them in a similar manner (just different rules - instead of imitating the thread title, I did that to those to whose posts I replied), which lasted about four days.


* hats still aren't too common. Doesn't attract frowns, but attracts looks. People start respecting you, despite the rest of your appearance.

Mentions: 20-XII-2007., 11-VI-2009., 16-VII-2009., 04-IX-2009., 05-IX-2009., 11-I-2010., 13-IV-2010., 11-VII-2010., 10-VIII-2010., 26-VIII-2010., 04-IX-2010., 13-XI-2010., 16-XI-2010., 01-V-2011., 02-VI-2011., 21-VII-2011., 23-VIII-2011., 29-XI-2011., 05-I-2012., Day of fines, 15-II-2012., 10-IX-2012., 21-II-2013., 17-V-2014., Second day, 05-VII-2014., 16-XII-2014., 25-II-2017., 11-V-2017., 03-VIII-2018., 30-III-2020., 03-III-2021., 17-X-2022., 08-VIII-2023., burundi, EnigMan, Gradivoj Sredljević, hats, njalter, ppp, sarma, sezam, UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian

16-XI-2019 - 30-VI-2024