
Marinko had another round of his sequential invoice numbers... So far just one guy from India on UA had that problem (and one from Norway in 2023). This time he started building a solution in postgres

ALTER FUNCTION "Promkd_AfterInsert_DajBrojFakturi"() OWNER TO postgres;

...and promkd is the old table name from DBA, „promet kupaca i dobavljača“ - traffic of buyers and suppliers, in goods warehousing. Eh, tradition.

In Firriver, Laura and Jan had something about automatically launching a questionnaire (should be so in some situations), where she said she was getting an error, and after the last update, at least at SFBC, she's only getting a different error. He, on the other hand, said it didn't work previously either...

The chicken coop progresses. We nailed the frame and the corner beams, and started working on the cabin today. In one day we went from this...

...to this. She cut the planks with a handheld circular saw (we have almost all tools, of course, and what little we don't, we'll easily improvise), then we nailed them together. On twonythird we added the future nest cabins in front, with a door through which she'll take out the eggs.

These days (starting on 18th) I worked a lot on the questionnaire editor, which already existed, I just added an extra page, where they'll be able to define the text template, into which the answers would be merged, and possibly questions too. They'd have to click around to have the placeholders for these inserted into the template. It was a bit tangled, specially because Jan inherited a bunch of complicated things from the pre-Firriver version of Feds, and an ugly abomination of a database structure in that area. But I was getting it done.

On 22nd I sherlocked, with Das, why something stopped working in a british clinic. By memory, I think it was a process where patient related documents were generated elsewhere, then copied to a CD, brought to the server and there a query I wrote would pick them and move them into appropriate patient's directories, and registered them in the documents table. The query would extract the patient's identity from the filename, with some massage, mostly adding the zeros to the left of their RegID.

The fuckup was in „brought to server“. We had a deal that it's one predetermined directory, into which they'll copy files from CDs, and I'd move the files where they need to go, and leave the unmatched ones there. Well, that directory was gone. At first I thought that some overeager cerberus deleted it without checking with anyone, as is prescribed in their standard job description, therefore normal. But no, it was that this was a new server and they didn't bring everything over, forgot this, probably because it was empty - empty is good, only nobody's documents remain there. I don't know why they went one directory at a time instead of copying the whole tree of Feds. Well, doesn't matter, we solved, they were happy and grateful. That the problem was caused by sheer stupidity, didn't matter at all - most of the problems are so.

And then, of course, the main switch on the planer just died. Which is no problem at all, I know that much of wiring. Went out, bought a new one, screwed all back, big deal. But it took a whole hour, just when we meant to get other things done.

The flat pliers with blue-organge handles are a piece of chinese junk, flimsy, losing alignment and often the plastic too. The blue-gray combined pliers are the Unior, same as I had in the nineties while we built a house. Irreplaceable and unfuckable.

On twentyfourth, the org committee for the big maturski met in the evening, in pivnica again. Session like any other, the same waiter and nobody else in the whole room. Present: Momir, Prle, Borko, Pasa, Bora, Dragana, brother-by-uncle of Vlasta, the dumb fuck from the Second, and four more. I didn't carry a shooter, but someone else did, so I got the photos later and finally appeared on few of them.

On twentyfifth the box with nests was done, with its own roof, front door with hinges and a bolt. By 27th, the cabin had its sides, and by the end of the day also doors. A small one facing into the cage, for hens; a tall one facing out, for cleaning, loading/unloading.

Mentions: Borivoj Pragović (Bora), DBA, Dragana Vitas (Dragana), Feds, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Jan Brenkelen, Laura O'Hare, Mališa Borkovski (Borko), Marinko Protić, maturski parastos, Mohandas Raj (Das), Momir Hadžipopov, pivnica, Prle Tanin, SFBC, Spasenija Višnjić (Pasa), UbiquAgora (UA), Vlasta Čkuljić, in serbian