
From this time I have none of my emails to folks at home, I guess I was writing from a different account, or did they remain on the nezavisni. I do have, though, the messages from dad, who exactly then chose not to quote mine, so I'll have to reconstruct out the whats and whens in a circumspect manner.

Meanwhile, three days ago, on UA, caught Maša correcting someone's spelling. Now that she has become a sysop, feels like she should do some work. The man wrote, in correct american way, „calander“, and it stays in the list of messages in the upper frame, because it doesn't refresh until I read them all and click to get what's new. When I click on a message in the list, the message itself appears in the lower frame, fresh as can be, and lo and behold, it says „calendar“... Well, someone has to teach them Amers some literacy.

So, Go wants to buy a car. So I should buy it here and drive it to her. Then it turns out that plan B is much easier, by which I'd just fly there and we'd buy it on the spot, so at least she'd see what she's buying. The flight is longish, six hours. Which occurred on 30th of april.

Through Orlando, ahem, the taxi would cost fifty bucks at least, because that Landmarth of hers is up north, and the airport is all the way south, but there's a bus. I pianoed, after a smoke break, how the buses go. There's a long ride, first I need to catch one to the main busodrome, then wait a dozen minutes for the next one, which I should leave at a specific station, when it turns west, as it has a circular route around the wider downtown, and there catch the third, the route of which intersects with it right there. The fare is ridiculous, single digit dollars, and is valid for 90 minutes. I waited at least two cigarettes for the last one, and was just rolling the third one when it came. By that time I was at around 100 minutes, but the driver considered the ticket still valid, nice.

From the last bus stop to their gated community there's a half an hour's walk. But okay, I know the area from the last time, it's about the place where I left the truck then, it's just that now I don't have a bike to ride back. And the weather is not so muggy as it knows to be, it was already late enough in the afternoon. I don't know how I got in, did I manage to get someone official to call them to come out to open the gate for me, or did I smuggle myself with someone, because it's gated and guarded, it takes a bunny's picture (from that joke), i.e. a lean-on card.

So we said our hellos, had a dinner, drank something. I had a shower and hit the hay. The next day was a workday (though mayday would be a holiday to me, and I guess to the Dutches too). On UA

I'm still baffled at religious people not just being elected, but somehow being seen as more fit for election. How can anyone know when will they be loyal to their post, and when to their religion? I wouldn't trust my vote to such a person.

I guess the same could be said about political ideology. When will they screw the voting public to serve their ideology. But maybe we expect this.

At least they advertise that. The ideology is supposed to be in the party program and election platform. That's their shop window.

Along the way, I congratulated „THE labor day, fellow IT workers, the international one.“ and left a link to the Haymarket massacre, lest it be forgotten. Greg complains of „One more thing. Everyday at 10:00 am, Vista defrags my 200 gig hard drive. I have changed the start time to 2:00 am, but it still executes at 10:00. Talk about dragging a machine to it knees.“

For smoke breaks I took for the terrace. It is screened with mosquito netting from top to bottom, this is Florida, there are bugs enough to drive one insane, and they are larger than anywhere else. There's a running joke that the Floridians saddle them and harness them to pull carts. The bicycle is in the big room and not on the terrace, because the homeowners' association considers it too... unseemly, makes the building look as if someone lives in it, which decreases the perceived real estate values. They behave as if they aren't really living there, they're just posing, all affectation, in the shop window for the customers.

For work, I parked the nezavisni on some side desk and worked quite normally. I think I didn't even bother to try to install the escuelle espresso on it, I just hooked into Jan's server and worked there. It's a cute thing, you have a laptop, hence you can worke wherever you find the internet. Here the cable connection was good, and there was also a long UTP cable so I took the machine to the terrace for the duration of the meetings, which were known to last several hours at times. Since I am not doing anything important during such a meeting, it didn't bother me that I was seeing more of my face than of pixels. Whichever idiot invented glossy sreens... they should be matte.

On the evening of the mayday, I tinkered with CAAR a bit, replacing the expression for empty date for SQL version, because there's a real empty date in dbfs, but here it has to be 1-1-1900. And the grouping of values behaves somewhat different from fox 7.0 (which we stuck to, keeping the behavior at 7.0 throughout 8.0 and 9.0, because these versions introduced a few gimmicks which didn't suit us). And on second, around midnight, the project manager asks about the html report, and I answer within a minute...

On the afternoon of 2nd, Go came from work a bit earlier, so we took the bus down that main street in the area and, rode it to the next sidestreet where the used car dealers have lined up. This was a triple fuckup - first, we disembarked one stop too early, so we had to walk many minutes longer under the scorcher and swelter, and then didn't find anything suitable. Some guy sent us to a junkyard, or so we heard. Took us a while until we got there, it's the John Young street. Fucken southerners and their fumbling of consonants. We got exhausted like nobody, and accomplished nothing. Here, to buy a car, you have to have a car first.

Dad reports that the guy (precisely, two brothers) who bought the vineyard, has just „paid off the expense of registration for the trabant, and now just needs to drive it off someday“. It's a sheer miracle how he sold it all, despite of bundling the land with the vehicle.

Mentions: CAAR, fox, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jan Brenkelen, Maša Bezuhovski, nezavisni, trabant, UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian

28-IV-2024 - 19-VI-2024