
Border crossing, perhaps. Saturday, so we must have crossed after midnight, with the queue being rather long.

On sezam, Paki asks since when is Stinge the boss of the system? Well, pLazić replies, ever since he's the glodur of the magazine... Which means that this is the interim period when the two main guys left but the system was still running on their software. Then the things will become both more murky and more clear - there will be a rift between the users, when they make the new system, and then some will move, some will stay, some will go full stereo.

A bunch of forms got generated again in DentoSys, and the help file too. This could be the time when we got the little Epson LX-400 printer in our room across the street and fiddled with its NLQ ability (usable, but slooooow) and, much worse, with generating the help file in windows .hlp format, which required a lot of .rtf codes, triple set of footnotes (for index, title hierarchy and cross reference), each in its own type of tags... the horror. Made it work, in the end, but earned a few grays in the process.

On home front, the wood/furniture version of EnergoPro app was made rapidly, did a bunch of new things on it. It may have the same structure, the recursive nature of the product etc, but its needs are rather different. So, new tables, new forms.

On 22nd, again a series of report oriented files which appear in all of DentoSys, Acc157, assets... completely unrelated things. Seems like someone mixed them up and then didn't dare clean up.

About lunches... there were several options, which we mostly rotated, depending on where we were at lunchtime. Sometimes in hospital's own mess, sometimes in cops', which was behind the corner, sometimes in the teachers' school. The school was an interesting place - it had students from age 7 to 21, because those of academic age are tomorrow's teachers, and they'd hone their educational skills by doing practice lessons to those in the elementary school. And the school had its dorms and a mess hall. The mess was already privatized, and probably subsidized too, so the food was good and cheap, but you had to have chits. No problem, the table with a cash register where these were sold was nearby, and a very handsome girl (with somewhat angular face, though) would sell them. The house special was the sour cherry soup, which was actually white - probably some flour and cream in the water. The salads which went with most of the dishes were the same as at home, our cuisines are largely mixed anyway, so it was either shredded cabbage or lettuce, bell peppers. The size of the salad was small, though, maybe half of what you'd get in the restaurant, so I loved to go there with Joška, because his diet consisted of just meat, bread, potatoes and rice, sometimes fruit - any other plants were off his list. After dinner he'd pull out some of his tiny bottles, drip a couple of drops of whatever supplement he was using on a sugar cube, and that was his compensation. So he'd try to say he won't take the salad, but I'd say „yes you will“ and end up with, finally, enough salad.

The date I clearly remember is 30th of may, when he ate one leaf of lettuce.

One day there was an interesting salad in the school, a fermented (with vinegar) bell pepper, stuffed with shredded cabbage. I know the kind, we grew that many times... and then when I bit it, I realized it's not the kind I know. This was HOT! Okay, I like it hot, so I ate all of it, puffing at times but generally enjoying it. This is Hungary, they all like it hot. And then it hit me that at about half of the tables are kids of single digit age. And they just ate it, as if not noticing.

Another thing about the teachers' school was the security mindset. It had an entrance on main street, just a block away from downtown, and the parking in the sidestreet. We mostly walked there, but sometimes we'd happen to arrive in the office car and would park there. There was an entrance from that side, which we used maybe once or twice, and then found it locked next time - when we had to walk around the whole lot, in the snow, because there was not even a beaten path between the parking and the front entrance. Maybe that entrance was for staff only, and opened when they arrive or leave. I've seen the same mindset in Zmaj, where the front entrance was for staff and we had to walk extra 200m around the right wing of the building, or in klaanca, where they had a front entrance to the parking, but it was always locked and you had to walk to the truckers' entrance, where they have the mandatory suspicious doorman. Even if they had a building with twenty entrances, they'd lock nineteen.

And yes, Ula would eat with us sometimes, specially if she had something to do downtown at the time and if it was at the cops, but not on wednesdays, when they have just pastry for lunch. Her preference was not to become fat.

There were a couple of restaurants between Gemenc and Szoftex where they had the workers' menu - a decent cheap dish, a truly full lunch, just that the choices were limited to three and anything beyond that would be at regular price. We did that a few times, just for change.

The place nearest to the office was just a block away, a kiosk with a couple of tables, where the guy sold just fried sausages in a bun, mustard or ketchup on top. Excellent all of it, but we took the option maybe two or three times, when we didn't feel like walking further. Because the guy was such a sweet talker, real merchant, he practised his shtick a hundred times, and somehow would always talk you into shaking hands with him. Which he must have read somewhere as a great trick to gain regular customers. The codeword was „are we going for a handshake?“ - „nope, the sausages are fine but I just can't stand the guy“.

Mentions: Acc157, assets app, DentoSys, EnergoPro, Gemenc Polyclinic, Joška Apro, klaanca, pLazić, sezam, Stinge, Szoftex, Ulrika Schréder (Ula), Zmaj, in serbian