Živa Ravajlović

(Person, Yugoslavia)

One of the local legends. A professional driver and mechanic, he can drive anything, no matter how drunk, as long as someone helped him insert the key into the ignition. Generally a joy in the company, cracking jokes and making fun.

He once (winter 1979?) drove a spaček all the way to France to see The Lady, who just moved there from the Netherlands. I guess she was quite surprised to see a guy she only knew from Borik turn up, but then her whole family was rather friendly and it all came out really nice (as he told us - we never saw her or the family again).

Was a regular at the august birthdays for each year except the first, and there was once a doček at his place.

Mentions: 28-VI-1970., 01-IX-1973., 29-XI-1973., 23-V-1974., 26-VIII-1976., 23-VIII-1977., 31-XII-1977., july 1978., 26-VII-1978., 31-XII-1979., 25-VIII-1980., 02-VII-1981., 20-XI-2021., Walnut, gone, august birthdays, Borik, Brata Maljković, doček, Geraldine van Grijven (The Lady), spaček, Tereza Mazek, in serbian