
Third trip to Délkút and Gemenc. IIRC, translating DentoSys into hungarian, probably with lots of help from Ileš and Mihály. I was getting proficient with the keyboard layout, heat, Ula's bad coffee and funny little machines from Acer they had, so I could write correctly whatever they said.

Getting to know the gang in Szoftex. Mihály with his funny micro-Poirot mustache and almost perfect serbian (though he says his family moved to Bosnia during the war, that's where he learned it, yet there aren't any traces of the there dialect, he speaks rather belgradely; perhaps he was watching a lot of our tv). Vilmos, the other co-owner, looks like some slovenian engineer, with his tall stature, full mustache and glasses. Two or three guys from the hardware division (with at least one repeating name). Ula, the secretary, a real cake. The coffee she makes is among the better ones I ever had in Hungary, which means it's still bad but passable.

At that time the main office was in the front room, and my dev machine was a half-height horizontal job, probably a 486sx with perhaps 2M of memory and a b/w 15 inch monitor. I sat in the corner, street entrance side. The main conference desk was in the middle of the room and most of the hardware operation was in the rest of the room, next room and then in the somewhat smaller room which was Ula's office, with phones, fax, fridge and coffee maker (filteruša...).

Only next year I learned that they also had the 2nd next house down the street, which they used as a warehouse. It was chock full of monitors, boxes, motherboards, faxes, printers and big spools of CAT5 cables, even some optical fiber.

There's a note in projekt.txt, a proto version of the.log that I had at the time, which states that this day I was in Gemenc and next two days as well, then on thursday (which it still marked as 20th...) we went to Szekesfehervar* with Mihály, to visit some of their business partners, (and I guess parade me there), for whichever reason, but I'd hazard to say it had to do something with the sales of DentoSys. I think the owners of that shop were partly the same as the partial owners of Szoftex, but memory is blurry on that.

Meanwhile, Go finished elementary school. They even had a small prom night in "Lola" tavern on the little marketplace near ruža. There's only one photo preserved, all the girls looking pretty on it. Ours, of course, the prettiest...

Around the same time we also had another maturski, 20 years, in pivnica again. No photos this time, I don't even quite remember who was there. The only part I remember I had first written under the 15 years one, but found out it was wrong:

„When pivnica closed, around 2 I guess, most of the folks dispersed. The inner gang, mostly IV4, moved down to a little bar owned by the Dramska Radionica Centar (amateur theatre, "drama workshop") on the bit of river bank between pivnica and the bridge. Stayed until sun was two thumbs above the horizon, drinking slowly and talking a lot, probably in hoarse voices, extruding truths unknown from the conversation. The power of alcohol. I remember Pasa drove me home in her Renault 4. She did come across as serious and broken-voiced, same as I. Wisdom won over hangover.“

Now how do I know this was not after 15th but rather after 20th? The one thing I remember clearly is the place where she dropped me, in her four. Here, two blocks from home, not in the old end. So it must have been after 1993.


* first and last e and the a should be long, with acute, but can't type that nor paste in here, as I still write this in fox, under linux/wine, and the recent version of the latter is very picky about the characters it will allow you to type or paste. Discussing this around june 2023. Appologies to the Albaiulians, promise to fix this once all of this is in Python, if I remember.

Mentions: Délkút, DentoSys, fox, Gemenc, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Ileš Notaroš, IV4, maturski parastos, Mihály Weisz, pivnica, ruža, Spasenija Višnjić (Pasa), Szoftex, the.log, Ulrika Schréder (Ula), Vilmos Hausz, in serbian