
Since burek didn't quite work (actually Nick ate his), tried a different tack - some fast food, i.e. fresh salami of various kinds, some even with pumpkin seeds (a cheap but interesting novelty), which look so fresh because they're injected with water and emulsifiers to the max capacity. Fast food, because in three days the emulsifiers turn into slime and it all gets sticky and doesn't smell well either, so eat them fast. That worked.

Thinking of Kees's urbExp competition, I devised a course for the morning. Start with pinovavila (all the artwork from 2011 is still in there, but the gate is locked, we could see some through the windows). An older guy came to talk (well, older is relative, seems my age) and of course spilled the better parts of his biography - about where he lives (right behind the corner), how his wife stopped cutting his hair so now he crops it short (same with me, except I don't cut it at all, just the few cm of thin ends off my ponytail, few times a year), how he was an upholsterer and his furniture is still in the houses of three former mayors of the city etc etc.

Then we went to the dry bridge by the Kapetanija (port authority) and took some pictures there and the nearby špiritana. Kees actually climbed the bridge, and two schoolgirls were sitting there, dangling their feet over the edge in a place where fence is missing. Sweet kids, made me wish I was seventeen... Then the rain started pouring, and Nick finally felt at home :).

Then went to banatskakuća for a venison gulaš. "Bambi was great". Took also some nasuvo (just cooked flat pastry) with poppy and with honey & walnuts, which Nick and I shared half/half, i.e. switched dishes after about half; Kees couldn't decide whether he'd like it, so he skipped. When he paid (we collected about 300 rsd for the tip, because when you pay with a card, they seem to be totally incapable of including that in the bill, or can't avoid the VAT on it, so it's now always cash - used to be easy a few years ago, just say the rounded up amount). Then the owner's son came up and took us to the back of the yard, where their house is, and showed us his collection of trophies - dozens and dozens of antlers over all the walls, the smaller ones even on the staircase.

From there we went to visit the rest of the backside of main street - the underside of gimnazija street. Had a drink at Kafemat - turned out to be a nice place, despite the title "concept bar". Compared with the general bullshit of conceptualism, this is one example where it actually worked.

Eventually it came to near the late afternoon, so we went to the fast food joint near the exit to Čankovo, where we often take burgers (actually pljeskavica, not the same - this is real meat) and I ordered 1kg of ćevapčići and 2kg of mixed meat. Went home and just chatted about this or that (and Nick and I actually managed to get some work done, something about customized reminder messages for various appointment types), and then I went there to pick it up. We sat eating, then nibbling, and had most of those interesting beers we bought on monday. I even drank the lithuanian Žiguli (the original name of the lada car) of one litre. Not bad, but no letter no postcard.

Then Nina called so we put the guys in front of the camera, and had a long nice chat. Violet invented new game - she'd send us an emoji and then she'd act it out. Sends us a heart and then while it's still onscreen, she'd send kisses. Then she'd send a wink and start making eyes at us. Laughed our asses out.

Mentions: banatskaKuća, burek, Čankovo, ćevapčići, gimnazija, Kees de Cock, lada, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Nicolas O'Keefe (Nick), pinovavila, špiritana, Violet, in serbian