
Karl, 12.43 - We do have One Drive. We’ve been waiting for Geoff to finish the UK Fast migration. And then we’ll work out a repository.

Briyesh, 13.21 - OneDrive will be implemented in July

Kees, 13.21 - What has to be implemented for OneDrive?It works, right?

Briyesh, 13.23 - Yes it works. But we need to set up a proper structure for corporate documents and policies and procedures

These are being formulated and will be put in place

Gradivoj 13.24 - did I just read word corporate in there?

Kees, 13.24 - But all those documents are going into Jira, right?

Briyesh, 13.27 Of course you did. Corporate means everything and anything. We do not have a company wide policy on documents. Therefore we need to ensure that they are safeguarded. The placement of these documents is determined by their purpose. Hence the word CORPORATE. That's "company policy".

Gradivoj 13.30 - Just warn me a couple of days in advance when Firriver begins to behave like a corporation, that's how long it takes me to rethink my retirement plan.

Briyesh, 13.31 - Your comment has been noted

Karl, 13.36 - Hi Gradivoj. Don’t worry. I’m sure none of us want Firriver to become too bureaucratic. One Drive will help out with the Portal, however. So that we can all see clinic configurations. Kudos to Nick who has taken the initiative to store them on his own. Let’s chat more at the Portal meeting. And work out what we need. For document storage.

(Nick commented my comment, separately, as “brilliant”) (as of 4-mar-2019, 1drive is still not used for portal, it’s all on DropBox)

In the afternoon majstor Mile came to Čankovo to see about instilling the still. Its old bulkhead was close to falling apart, I wouldn't dare hoist the whole still on it, it could tople without notice, so better wall it. We agreed on the details, so these days he'll [do it], gave him the keys, he knows the ropes, we only need to see it once it's done. He scouted the fence too, it's mesh wire held on wooden poles, most of which are rotten or fell, even the one concrete one broke, in vain is the reinforcement when one skimps on cement.

On nineteenth he began to work on it. The room already held a still previously, the old man was a distiller of trade, but Todor sold the still before we came, so okay, we'll reuse the place. Its chimney stayed, but was so flimsy that we decided to tear it down before it falls by itself. We'll lead a stovepipe out through the hole where the still was emptied once.

He finished by thirtyfirst, now it's just waiting for the first fruit. The room now has also a door, and I'll improvise a lock.

In the evening we went out with Arpi again, for beers, by a pal of his, in the building by the bridge on Žitni, exactly in the space where DC-99 was from 1974 until it tapered off. Some domestic beer, from Novi. Amazingly, the word „craft“ was not mentioned anywhere, it was still possible to sell artisanal beer without it. Made lots of good shots, and walked over the bridge to visit the serekeš to get some cash, for one round of ham and the rest. Buy it, dry it, yell when done.

He comes across as unhandled, around the process with Višnja. On one side she's trying to grab her half, but in such a manner that the house be sold for at least 60000€, of which she'd get a half, and she's not interested in oma's house. She even got him to buy her firewood last winter. On the other side, he told us nothing specific of the process, how far did it get. As if he keeps hoping that this'll pass and she'll return to him. Meanwhile he keeps working, practically a day laborer, picking fruit somewhere by the border. He feels good there, stays fit, there are females, he's gained popularity, that keeps him up.

The shots turned well, good light. This is facing the traffic light. The other shot maybe shows the place better, but this has the bus exactly on the move, stepping on it to sneak through while it's still green.

We, of course, walked back. This is Pašićeva, judging by the houses and the trees, exactly the ambience. And it shows clearly how the lawns are a hand's breadth above the curb, because with every rain the whills jet the water over it, what with dissolved dust, for years, and it stays between the grass. Even in the place where we shaved off the excess soil on that radnaakcija (see 26-III-1974.), it grew back.

And they say that soil off the asphalt can't be good. Look how green it is.

Mentions: 26-III-1974., Baptism by booze, Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), Briyesh Dupta, Čankovo, DC-99, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Geoff Gearney, Gradivoj Sredljević, Karl Poulain, Kees de Cock, majstor Mile, Nicolas O'Keefe (Nick), Novi Sad, oma, radnaAkcija, serekeš, Todor Mirča, Višnja, in serbian

11-X-2019 - 30-VI-2024