
On 2nd the new pedestrian bridge was officially open, so now we didn't have to walk half a kilometer around to the next one. It's the city liberation day (of 1944), so there was some show at gimnazija too. Slavko had a kind of show in the show... all in all, ended up, probably, in Dom, inside for the first time, and I couldn't believe the density of the crowd. The miracle of how that building could take so many people is still beyond me. Later I'd hear that the capacity was around 700 people, but it regularly had between 1200 and 1700, and the wardrobe was functioning perfectly, even though it worked solely on numbered pieces of paper pinned to the lining. That time I didn't like it at all, considered the deejay a trumpeteer, lightshow miserable and I didn't find much of a company. True, there was Pop, giving me a serious case of envy for being so happy with his girlfriend, Bosa was there with her dummy of a sister (don't remember why I thought so), who thought I'll keep them company all evening just because we're friends... a bad evening altogether.

The next day I went to shoot a wedding in Belgrade, restaurant Vračar - our chemistry professor was the kum. Got my Quartz and shot the regular scenes as they went, then ran out of tape and found some girls. Two sisters, both slightly drunk, the older one, a senior, showed some interest in me but she was a tad too big, 80kg she said, the younger one a junior, much nicer, a nice, slightly sad face... and the third one, whose name I didn't get, who stayed with me whenever she could and the wine would let her, she'd touch my hair or lean on my hand. And, ah, was she built... And then I confessed I do dance - so she just had to do a waltz with me, then a tango...

I even extracted some shots, best I could then, from the 8mm tape - nothing much, barely a silhouette, the image is tiny, it's just to remember generally how she looked. As for her being drunk, nope, she confessed she likes to fake that, feels freer to do what she wants. Obviously, she wanted me. Of course, never saw her again, but this was really nice.

It seems that whenever I'm out of town, everything works much better. Why doesn't this ever happen when I'm here?

On 4th Zova and I were all over downtown, looking for some ice for some experiment to be held at the physics class. When we finally found it and came to school, found that Marko Bozon didn't come, no class.

At Sonja's on 5th, chaos. Before the class, Oli Boj was bragging how well she wrote her homework, specially the sentence "Evgenije Onjegin and the poet Lenski are two types of the then young noble intelligentsia".

Zova: If you read that, I'll ask why types and not organizational forms.

me, adding salt: You know, that "types" doesn't quite fit, the whole intelligentsia is a type, they are subspecies inside it, hence subtypes.

And that would have been it, we didn't want to push it further, thinking that Oli Boj isn't that stupid to not see that we weren't serious at all. Then Sonja came and started checking our homework. Zova didn't really do it, he just inserted a bunch of "Puškin", "Evgenije" and in some places even "Tatjana" into his history notes, and showed that as work. It was riddled with facts from Puškin's life, e.g. the battle at Hastings 1066 etc. Then we made Sonja to have girls read theirs first. Oli Boj read first. Zova just winked at me: "cut?". "Cut", I agreed. So I got up and said "when we had bad papers last year, they were bad in quite a different way - there were unclear sentences, missed points, but this wasn't happening. Specially what Slavka wrote [which she didn't, it's from the other gimnazija where it got a 5], that's rambling - she begins with the character of Olga, and I fully expected a study of her, but then she moves to Tetjana, then the moral of the times, and other things. And I wouldn't say anything about what Tejka wrote, as I sold her some of my ideas" (all laugh). There I stopped, Zova takes over: "What he said is not quite so, but one thing we agree, why did Oli Boj write 'types'?".

Oli Boj: "no, I wrote 'subtypes'!"

Sonja: "alright, why exactly subtypes?"

Oli Boj: "well, ahem, er..."

Bosa (to a rescue): "that's what Gradivoj told her"

While I was preparing a defense, Sonja jumps in, as if we prepared this together: "but it's her paper, she has the floor".

me: "Right so! Myself, I would never write something like that, and if I did, I'd disown it!"

Then, later, I read mine, and then Zova expressed his dislike of some phrases that I used, then Tejka came up to defend me, saying she knows my style (sure does, copies it all the time).

Zova wasn't feeling well after all this, said "now they'll all be angry with us". I didn't care, it was all good fun. Oli Boj just told me that I needn't say hello to her anymore. But I knew it wouldn't last, she was just mad at the moment.

Speaking of which, I noticed that I can express myself far better when I'm writing stuff that Sonja tasks us with, than in the diary. As if I'm two persons, with two attitudes. The next major work was, IMO, where I outdid myself, and in the diary it's more and more just self-pity and complaining to my self.

Near the end of month there was some kind of rebellion against the latin guy. Two classes have skipped, the whole division would just leave. I took to wearing a safety needle pinned to the fly of my jeans, just to see whether he'd notice and comment. Of course, I was quite ready, so when he got me up and started asking the questions, I knew the answers. I've done my homework. There was a collective petition to replace him. Which wouldn't happen, of course, but I guess he's got some scrubbing by the principal and things have calmed somewhat.

At least I'm doing better at school. Even got a 5 (ok, just a dot in the center, his notation). I started walking home with Višnja and D.M. (who lives in another building near Lesnina).

Started listening to "Midnight rock" on studio B, with Sloba Konjović. Tuesdays, 22:00-01:00. Heard all the weird albums, including "Thick as a brick", as soon as they were published.

Mentions: Bosiljka Šain (Bosa), Dom omladine, gimnazija, Gradivoj Sredljević, kum, Lesnina, Marko Damjanov (Marko Bozon), Marko Popović (Pop), Olivera Stojanović (Oli Boj), Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Slavka Vinković, Slavko Enbecin, Sonja Savković, Višnja Lazin, Zdravko Smetovački (Zova), in serbian

19-VI-2016 - 30-VI-2024