
This monday at DC-99 Aćim and I tried something with cartoons, he made cutouts of Lala and Sosa, so we arranged sidelights and shot a frame at a time. About stretching a plank in Melenci.

(... 2 words...)

Went home, ate then drew myself on tobacco factory bus at 14:45. (... 13 words...) All ready for the shoot, the fojklender in hand (I didn't care anymore how it's actually called). Hazim came by so he made a shot of us, at the door of Proleter. Then solo shots, and then on the bridge we stood and watched the smudgy river. Then Čarga comes by (he has the gift to draw himself up), chatted up a bit, and luckily he picked himself away soon enough. Walked down to the bank and that's where I made the best shots of this session, then we went to my place. (... 30 words...)

When I escorted her to her bus, crossed paths with Milivoje, his wife and a professor from gimnazija, who is a boar of a bore, who even appeared in Borik a couple of times - they're coming to us... ouch. Then I dropped by the living room to avoid the appearance of avoiding them, but mom flashed eyes at me so that this strangler doesn't notice the hickey on my neck.

(... 2 words...)

The next day, like we said, when the time came, I caught a bus and accidentally the earlier one, as it stopped for the train. So I arrived a bit ahead of time to the station (hmmm which station, not railway, there's only one bus from here to there, must be intercity bus... equally a lair). (... 36 words...) Interesting light, and the half desert landscape, big open space, end of the world. (... 51 word...), there come Veca and Sneca with some LPs (ELP "Pictures", Osibisa, Hendrix). And so we sit and chat and play music and then behind her back I make hand signs for these two to get lost and come tomorrow. It worked, they left when we ran out of plums.

And then we fantasized about seeing the world, collected the languages we speak (so no France). Then granma knocks but doesn't enter, brings four sandwiches.

(... 78 words...)

Went downtown to the bus station, she bought a ticket (the kiosk was there for many years more, but the tickets were gone a couple of years later, along with conductors - they installed some boxes where you just drop the money; also had tokens that you can buy at the kiosk). Had almost forty minutes to it. Prleski was full, so we stopped at Proleter, met Matori and Paja there. Heard some news. Hazim still chases Theatre and keeps retelling the story of the name to the gang; Gavra warned off on time. On the nearby wall there was a poster for that disco at kinta, but the exact word kinta was missing so I added it while she held cover. (... 44 words...) See each other on friday.

This got me thinking, how to endure the second semester, with club and school and political school and presidency, when all that can be shoved aside at any moment, by force of her smile? What's all that for? Or rather, how to convince myself that all that is a need and a must, to preserve that smile. How much simpler life was last year, when I was all down ("in dick" is the expression)...

(... 7 words...) Short time ago they accepted students into SKJ membership and I was disgusted with how they did that. We weren't informed (not my class at least), didn't know either rights or duties, nothing but the formal stuff around membership card. I didn't want to get enlisted like that, I refused. They were amazed, the sherriff of ŠKSO and not a member, but I was fed up that I had to write the characteristics for those who applied. And the discrimination, why do they shove excellent students everywhere(... 5 words...).

On the other hand, as we heard, Furcula was a bad student, but complained loudly of the practice, what's wrong, as if I don't love this country, bla bla bla... and he got accepted. The rumors that he was an udbaš probably contributed.

On 3rd of february nothing. Veca and Sneca came, played some Mlinarec, day gone. In the evening on the viša, Korni grupa plays(... 3 words...). Good concert. Hazim came with Theatre, he did it, kudos. The news of the month: Sneca has a boyfriend. Pick the jaw from the floor. But She isn't there. Dropped by disco, she isn't there either.

Spent the night in a confusion, neither sane nor ill, in the morning secretively had two quick aspirins before anyone notices. Haven't seen her for six days.

On monday, we're in second shift and the Second is in the first. At 14:05 she's still not there, Vanji already thought we split, so he got into the classroom just to ask her what happened. At about the same time Gavra said "I saw your little witch". And sure enough, on first break we both rush to meet and almost collide. (... 38 words...)

Speed of time is always the same, things happen denser or thinner. It was sixth class right away, and we came down together, extricated ourselves out of the rush, went to Proleter and stood there a long time(... 25 words...), they'll make a disco. Where? On kinta, exactly the house where the tavern was, and the disco advertised on that poster. We invented a class community meeting as an excuse, so stayed freezing for another half an hour, then split. Arrived home and took two more aspirins, unseen. Temperature is falling but still can feel the tonsils. Third wisdom tooth coming out too. Headache passing.

On tuesday (6th) in the morning Miljka and Tejka came to put some music on cassette, they forgot the jack so I improvised. Preparing a cassette for Inge (promised, so what). Gave Miljka the Mlinarec albums, fingers crossed that they return in good shape.

Fun at school, NMN mocked Zova. (... 45 words...) Next class, PE, I sat by the radiator, wrapped in my coat. When Marko Bozon came I was already blurry, and the classroom had trouble to become horizontal. Sredljak took me home. My temperature stayed between 38,5 and 39,5 until thursday. Then it dropped and my gums got inflamed, aphtosis. Can't eat, hard to push the food through my mouth. Got something purple to paint on my gums, I look ghastly. Reading "War and peace" until I faint.

On friday (9th) Tejka and Dragana came to see me. I tasked Dragana to tell (... 1 word...), like I already told her before, no you didn't say, well I remember I did but then who knows in which delirium that was.

Meanwhile in town they held demonstrations against the revoking of revoking of matricular exams. In the newspaper, of course, not even close to what I know happened, just like every time when I know something firsthand. Remembering that case with the poetry evening last june, even NIN printed some bullshit about it. Now Tanjug painted the protesters as unruly crowd who invented the protest just to skip class (it was in the afternoon, so first shift also skipped, right). Worst, they refused to return to the class. Sure, right, come back and then nothing happened, your opinion will be watered down and neutralized. And the mayor came to talk with them - what, shouldn't he be in session in the city hall, why is he skipping? The news of the protest was not on the TV, but the next day some politician came to the political school to hold a lecture, which was on TV, and said that the protests were the wrong way to do it, should have went through the youth organization. Why didn't that guy come two days earlier? What was the whole comedy for, revoking the matricular exam, then revoking the revocation?

Mentions: Borik, Borko Bošković (Furcula), Čedomir Spajin (Paja), DC-99, Dragana Vitas (Dragana), Gavrilo Taroški (Gavra), gimnazija, Gradivoj Sredljev (Sredljak), Hazim Jabučin, Inge Hertmann (Inge), kinta, Marko Damjanov (Marko Bozon), Milan Šebrcan (Aćim), Milivoje Stojanović, Prleski, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Smiljka Grajin (Miljka), Snežana Stojanović (Sneca), udbaš, Velemir Prokin (Čarga), Vera Stojanović (Veca), Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), viša tehnička, Zdravko Smetovački (Zova), in serbian