
In the afternoon went to Tejka first, just like that, then at Pop to have his mom (dermatologist) look at that bump on my back. Then around eight the two of us went to the DC-99 but nobody there. Then he leaves and comes back with R. (hair grows), then we went to disco and chatted some, and then a couple of hands cover my eyes. Silky something, and lily-of-the-valley. That's her! (... 28 words...) I freshly sunburned on the shoulders and unshaved, didn't even have a wristwatch, and she can't stay long... (... 15 words...)

The next day I went to the ambulanta (3rd house from šećerana to here) to get a paper sending me to a specialist, then went to Pop, he's painting some typesetter's shelf, full of little cubbyholes (for each letter), into orange. Borrowed "Aqualung" and a BS&T from him. Listened to that all afternoon. Then to Veca and Sneca, returned the, I suppose, Pink Floyd I borrowed on wednesday, then phoned Kikus (from where, was it the time when they made the small post office in Lesnina?) to provide me with a place to stay, just in case. Washed and shaved myself in the evening.

On friday I went to the specialist polyclinic to have that knot on my back, a five minute surgery. The guy just sprayed something cold on the spot, local anastasia*, nicked it a couple of times with a scalpel, put bandaid on, done. Of course, it grew back, and I still have it, but as the technician said, "with this one lives a hundred years, and after that let, anyone who wants, die". It's neither growing nor shrinking, and it's still, just like the other two that I have on my lower legs, about 5mm and doesn't bother me at all. At the time it sometimes used to snag on the edge of a chair's backrest, and start me a little, which is why I thought to remove it.

Met her, Mariška and the other two in the evening, and we (she and I) didn't like that the deejay ran the amps to rumble levels. So to (... 46 words...). She found the three again and went home with them.

On saturday morning had a nice sleep, on the bus to Novi. The Kula festival is not in Kula this year. I never walked these streets before, but knowing the map helps. When we got into Studio M, someone rattles a "ks, ks". That's Bukac's call sign, and tells me he already spotted Melanija. Beštara was already there. Her I found only during the first intermission, so we started a chat, somewhat awkward in the beginning, but then we went wide. She went home for lunch (30 meters door to door). Then the rain stopped and we went for a walk, around the park I think, visited a ceramics exhibition, then went upstairs to her place (!)**. I remember the cute old furniture, painted all white. We sat there in her room, talked about anything and everything, then she showed me my old letters. Specially the old ones had torn envelopes, opened by fingernails. She asked me how is it with her. I complain about her mood swings, the absences, when we don't see much of each other for two weeks. How insatiable you are.

Her mom came in. I was warned not to mention where I was from, but I slipped, and there it was. I was treated a cocacola, cake and time of day.

In the evening she walked with us to where we dined (where was that? students' mess across the street from the park?). We walked a few rounds, looking for Kikus. Met M.T.

We slept in some students' dorm, a corner from Kikus's place. I remember almost none of that, these dorms were too many already.

Second day of the festival, 24th. Went to Kikus with Beštara. Our worst movies were accepted, and then failed famously. Melanija honored me with her permanent presence and handed me the "Garavi sokak" by Mika Antić, with a dedication, where she mentions "whom I loved in the opposite time". She went with me to the bus station, where I missed the bus at five because of peeing, so she stayed with me for an extra hour. I so wished to embrace and kiss her, but she reminded me of who's waiting for me. Honest. We met at wrong times, or something.

Dad drove me to town, arrived at nine, met her. She wasn't in best moods, but thawed (... 50 words...).

Then I told her about Melanija, as she told me to. Both smart girls, best this way. Not that we even held hands, nothing to hide.

On monday she came with Mariška and A. to make ID pictures for them. Weather not good, a drizzle, the pictures weren't the best. A postcard from Rudolf - coming on sunday evening.

Tuesday, 26th, completing errands, mucked around the lab (in the club? can't do in the daylight at home). In the evening she wasn't there.

Wednesday, Belgrade, Zajač, grandfather is not in best shape. That hag of his shits as [she] always [does]. Okac shaved his beard. In the evening we got home, I was cleaning up the lab, there come Gavra and Jozda to do their ID pictures. It's only 23:00, not even midnight. They had their pictures by 1:30.

A letter arrived from Melanija, says she won't go to the seaside without her parents, perhaps because of me and the honors which were extended to me. Though, I think she needs more fresh events to experience than I need honors. She will gladly remember this once, "and as for the happy smile, when will it appear if not now?".

On tursday 28th, with the crowd on disco terrace, Dženk and some S. (his dad is a PE professor and we'll be in the same staff room ten years later).

On friday she was supposed to appear, it's an odd [numbered] day, (... 19 words...) and she was grounded for the day.

On wednesday, 30th, we finally met. Sat in a corner of the terrace, somewhere behind a bush, not yawning this time. Then walked long, long, no unbuttoning. Barely convinced her to come the next day to see the guys.


* our favorite pun, Anastazija instead of anestezija

** then in 2022, when I published this, she reminded me, in an email, that she asked for permission to bring me in, and that the padding on the chairs was bright red.

Mentions: DC-99, Gavrilo Taroški (Gavra), Gradivoj Buković (Bukac), Gradivoj Jankulov (Dženk), Jovan Zdanić (Jozda), Lesnina, Marko Popović (Pop), Melanija Tisarević, Milovan Sebešćen (Beštara), Novi Sad, Rudolf Ochsner, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Snežana Stojanović (Sneca), šećerana, Vera Stojanović (Veca), Zajač, in serbian