
From emails with Brlja, „There's a legend about Ford, negotiating with a customer, falling asleep at that, almost snoring, and then just opening his eyes and spitting exactly the required sentences. He was alert all the time, just pretending to sleep (but he really fell asleep) and thinking up what to say.“

In other news, the yugos are supposed to do support for five customers, but Greg didn't have the time to communicate the details to them, „had knee surgery, and was clinically dead for 90 seconds (during which he saw all the doctors vanish somewhere, then jump on him and beat him on his chest until they pulled him back - they overdid the lumbal punction a bit, as they are prone to“. Now that he's back, he at least promised the drivers for the (network?) cards, as soon as he rummages through his floppies. Re validations, Rick is presently typing the response... which is also about the customer in California who wants to see last year's data in applications, and how should that look. Ah, the customers. This doesn't make sense - you can't compare years by just looking at individual records, you need to see the season through and then compare some statistics, anything else is just the old method of wrong sample.

In Hossy, the application (not the exe itself, but the submission of a wannabe student's paperwork to EONS) is abbreviated as applictn, and they read it as apliktn (!). Later, I'll hear worse - the procedures (pronounced proseedgers) are abbreviated to procs and pronounced proks, singular prok.

On UA, some Canadian reports from his trip over Hungary, Italy, Czech and Austria. Says lots of smokers (sure, in Hungary they just started with those laws a few years ago), thin people (development of junk-food habits is pretty low; I'm amazed with the number of people who are, ahem, "full of themselves" around here), well dressed... This last thing required a longer comment:

„Europe, man. My wife and daughters have already noticed the, ahem, difference in taste. Though, many people there (specially in the ex-eastern block) are sewing for themselves. You can buy lots of German and Italian (better) magazines with tailoring patterns.“

Along the way, few people (mostly ex eastern bloc) have noticed my change of address on UA, and emailed me to congratulate. Exchanged news with Dženk too. He was offline for a while, his home PC lost the magic smoke and the one at the job is giving him trouble. Told him we got everything in order except phone (have the number, just not turned on yet) and no cable (the previous tenants didn't pay enough in advance :), the girls are at school except Go, dunno what to do with her, too late to start a semester now, and half of the exams from home weren't registered yet (and now won't be, anyway), but if she manages to enlist to a four year architecture somewhere (it's five at home), we're still ahead.

Mentions: Allan Robin (Ford), EONS, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Goran Staković (Brlja), Gradivoj Jankulov (Dženk), Greg Reubenthal, Hossy, Rick Netter, UbiquAgora (UA), yugo, in serbian