27-VII-1995.: 2nd allnighter

Some time around midnight did something about item updates in MEC for the lady in Székesvár.

I was doing some serious work on the main form of the visual version of GenerAll... found this comment in scan_menu of it (which paints the root of the treeview I wanted to use instead of the menu, then recursively calls .scan1)

		* v1.0 27.7.95 07:00 (ne, nisam ustao tako rano. nisam ni legao)

„(no, I didn't get up this early - stayed awake“

More work on the menu system, on fillpj (fill project), where around 6:00 I removed the bits of code which looked to add code previously generated by previous versions of catal6 and upitig2.prg - these now go into the caller's code, so now they should be purged from the projects, not added to them.

If I wondered who is the first to come to Szoftex in the morning - it's the postman, who drops the daily Magyar Hírlap through the slot. I wonder how this doesn't activate the alarm on regular days, when there's nobody there, like it happened a week ago, when Joška and I forgot to close the frontside window before going to sleep, and the morning sun, hitting the rear of the house, created a draft and shifted the curtains in the front. Rečo came to wake me up to ask me about the disarm code, as the siren was blaring. It was supposed to raise an alarm in the captaincy (kapitányság, i.e. police HQ) too, but didn't. Hmmmm.

Meanwhile, at home, Vanji's older son was doing stuff for the veterinary station (then already partly owned by Stana), while afternoon, lots of code, including some help text entry, and Ileš was doing something about cadre form in payroll. We're spreading. Not bad for a new company with just one worker (Brlja). Actually, later I'll find that I was a worker too, my staž in it starting with this year, it's just that I wasn't paid yet properly, got just some token money to satisfy the minimal requirements.

Now this is when we seriously started with ten-day rounds. Going home.

Mentions: catal6, Čongor Rendenji (Rečo), GenerAll, Goran Staković (Brlja), Ileš Notaroš, Joška Apro, MEC, payroll, Stana Čopanja, staž, Szoftex, upitig2.prg, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian