
The probably last version of history.prg in PolC, which was a cool feature. At any point during a session, it would react on a key (F12, IIRC), and just show a selector of how far into the past to go (3-6-12-24-2400 months), then it would pull the full history of the current patient, chronologically, and present it as text. Verbose, not too structured, but it looked good to the doctors, and was blazingly fast. fox had some tricks in string manipulation, and it was capable of generating huge amounts of text in no time. It got faster later :).

And it seems I was working on the payroll app until 1:20 last night. A thousand DEM is a worthy cause.

I see that I even did some work on the AnaViz, or perhaps it was Joška, though it's unlikely, it was mostly my baby.

sezam is in transition. The old one is pretty much abandoned, and the two main guys, the authors of the software, have opened a new one (the Pro version, whatever that means, there's nobody who's a sezam by profession) and also started a new computing magazine ("PC Press", among the first in the long string of things which didn't even attempt to name themselves in their own language). The old one was renamed to SezamNet, quickly switched to some other app to run it, converted the database etc, and stuck with their own magazine (of which Stinge was the glodur, aka editor-in-chief).

Going home, via Horgoš again.

The next day there was some lecture in the city hall, I see in the local newspaper that Joška was announced as one of the speakers. The article is in cyrillic, as is the whole newspaper, but names of Szoftex, their parent company, are in latinic, with the case suffixes in cyrillic the first time, and on repeat all cyrillic. However, these suffixes are separated with a dash, as in separat-ed, including the very word internet. The prototype engrbian.

Mentions: AnaViz, engrbian, fox, Joška Apro, payroll, PolC, sezam, Stinge, Szoftex, in serbian