
I find that for oldwave I wrote „my lady suddenly likes Tom Waits... and Lena likes him even more. Few numbers she already sings with him, and there's no theory that I may play it only once“.

Some switchboards in Belgrade already have optical cable. Eh...

On UA, I finally write in some readable format. If the quote is still a mess (paragraphs run together), at least my reply is okay. I think that at this time I set the messages to arrive into my email (but didn't keep any of them in that shape, it's big and on disk I never had enough space), and the reply from email I can write at ease, format it and then when I connect, send it. Alphonse solved that nicely, and I almost felt equal to all those Canaders and Amers who, I guess, have faster connections, and more money to pay the time spent online.

Message with a five digit number (later there will be a million and a half of messages there), discussing with George. I measured the speed at which fox 5 calls methods with parameters and without, and how much does the speed depend on parameter type. S if sending an object as a parameter is somewhat slower, the gain is quite large, because within the object one can pack two hundred other values. Conclusion, „ I think the time we have spent to test this is already more than the total overhead all UA members will make using object parameters this year. I suggest we simply proclaim this way of passing parameters as at least equal to others, and a preferrable one in some cases. “

On tenth, I see I generated the html help (GenerAll does that too) for costing and general ledger. In the evening, then, a bunch of masks for Acc157 for Svemiks, and the html instructions for them as well. On twelfth, a bit of code which moves help, i.e. combs two helps into one, which were supposed to be found in some comment fields and where else too, then compares the lengths, and displays both versions where different, calls alert.prg to allow user to pick one, and the selected one gets copied into the other, and eventually all that goes into the data dictionary. More code for the hospital, their logbook and HosTract. On top of it all, a load of work for some furniture maker, somewhere near the swimming pool, roughly a rework of the production floor management app we did for EnergoPro, just now with dimensions and calculation of total consumption of wood... screwy and complicated but I did it somehow, and then it turned out too complicated for them so they never used it. And there I ran catal6 several times to generate views for this or that.

The new IE 4.01 is out and already someone asks how does it go if it's installed over 4.0. Is it possible that m$ wrote it in such a way that someone already had problems with it?

Someone claims „mp3 is dead, long live VQF! Compression 1:20, which is files twice smaller than mp3“. Yeah, right. That one never took off.

Mentions: 17-IV-1995., Acc157, alert.prg, Alphonse D'Alchembert, catal6, EnergoPro, fox, GenerAll, George Whiteley, HosTract, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Majkrosoft (m$), oldwave, Svemiks, UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian

26-VI-2024 - 26-VI-2024