
On seventeenth, another new...s? in unosc.prg, moved the update of status/message window into a separate procedure, which then gets called in certain places from the code generated by opisfmm4. This assured that the content of this window is actually respecting the current status of the input mask - new record, viewing existing, editing existing, with some difference between single and line input. This is generally when I think it began running smoothly. Not that it didn't work so far - it entered tens of thousands of records so far, both here and at home - it's when I think I made it finally robust and worry-free.

Back home via Horgoš. The new thing is that it's a thursday this time, because we had a new problem. Sloba invented a payment on each exit from the country, as if bail, a guarantee that we'll appear in the court, only it never got refunded. The amount wasn't too much, but paying it every monday would accumulate to a lot. So we rescheduled - we'd go home on thursdays and come back on monday evenings, and then work for ten days, until next thursday. Which was both better and worse - when we're home, we're there four whole days in one piece. But then the rest of the time, including that other weekend we're stuck alone in the office. That is, we weren't exactly obliged to work then, but what do we do, muck around and spend the money we need at home? Though, we did it from time to time, but it never amounted to more than a beer or two on a saturday evening, keeping company to each other, then... back to the office, we weren't sleepy yet. With the locals we didn't establish much of a contact, weren't trying to, we're the gastos, let's get the job done, take the money and go home. And they wouldn't need us, they have their friends and families. At least those weekends we were alone in the office, nobody around. Someone would drop by from time to time but wouldn't stay long, so we were free to work at ease. Which, if nothing else, suited me - at least GenerAll was developed on other's expense. Not that it cost us nothing - the business at home was slow to rise - but the development of the framework was financed by money we wouldn't be able to make otherwise. Which is exactly the problem of each software company, the software needs to be written first before it makes money, and while it's written, one needs to eat.

Our folks at home suffered more. As my dear said, it's not that the kids were a problem, they didn't cause trouble, it's that when you go home you have no adult to talk with. She once met Vanji's wife, and they commiserated at length, and concluded that "when he comes home, he's almost getting in the way" (his wife said so, not mine).

Did a lot on Acc157, finance and goods during the weekend, mostly the same reports got copied in multiple places - some orders, daily reports, statements, whatnots. Lots of work, it seems.

The version of catal6 which "uses no browse, but rather itself generates and later uses routines to display (@... SAY) the fields. the routines are generated so that they're easily edited; the window sizes are easily calculated from the widths tables".

A bunch of views generated for AnaViz, six of them in three minutes. catal6 hits pedal to the metal.

On 20th, started working on EnergoPro, or at least this is the date of the oldest file in their directory. Very specific company, and a special atmosphere. I'd mostly sit with their chief engineer and deliberate what to do and in which order. Their production had parts in recursive, or treelike layout - an asembly which was made today may be used next week as a part in a larger assembly. It went up to three levels so. In the following years I'll spend a lot of time there.

On 24th, one routine from PolC, which used to show/input the anamnesis in a separate window, gets generalized into edmemo.prg, which still exists, in this shape or other. It's actually still part of translation, where it's used for mulitline strings. So the GenerAll, at least in parts, is still alive, even though I don't use it at least 20 years.

The next day, tajp2.prg (copy to printer) undergoes some fix about paging, i.e. in the part where it prints a range of pages. This partial printing was introduced because the repords wouldn't be precise enough sometimes and the users didn't want all of that printed, or paper jammed or some other printer shit, so a part of it had to be sent to printed again. So it would print only the needed pages - those which went by while paper was jammed or we didn't notice that ink ribbon stalled.

Mentions: Acc157, AnaViz, catal6, EnergoPro, GenerAll, PolC, translation, unosc.prg, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian