
At DC-99 in the morning, met with her in the evening, she dressed up into something cute, like safari style. Disco was boring so we moved (... 54 words...).

The matter of "The Gram" moved the next day. Written [work] in descriptive [geometry].

On tuesday (22nd) here she comes on her bike, with notebooks. We did the straight line and linear functions. (... 19 words...) That evening they had their prom night (I heard Radisav sang, the mexicanian* stuff at that), while we at DC-99 reviewed the movies for the festival. We have about ten, of which half are okay.

A standoff with The Gram on wednesday, can't find Vanji. In the evening dad came back late, so couldn't go there - too far on foot. Went there the next morning and agreed to meet the next evening.

Went to the printery to get the first printouts, then home to eat, then to his end of the city to shoot some pictures (the event on the meadow, aka field airport). Buzzed around with Kid until we gathered at Vanji and put the paper together - scissors, glue. Took his bike, came home at midnight.

On friday, free entrance to Dom, "Eukaliptusi" were playing (Grne's new band?). Two liters of wine went.

Woke me late in the morning so went downtown without breakfast. Some projection, delayed until saturday afternoon. Chased the žiri (of what?), no success. Returned the bike to Vanji. Submitted the proofreads and layout, ready to print.

On saturday the competition at municipality level, we don't have the equipment. I got into a foxhunt team, where a radio operator (some kid from next village) and a photographer (me) ride on bikes (one by some fat director's son from IV6.73, the other by Beštara, because they owned motorbikes), chasing the transmitter by means of simple radio detector and goniometry. Once we find it, I take pictures of that - the transmitter and my three guys - develop them on the spot (contact prints or just dry negative?) and then the žiri calculates the time, degree of success (found it but no photos, or bad photos or...). Developed it in a bag, under a tarp (actually tent wing, as it's called here, the military style 2x2m)... after a three hour ride around town. Don't want to see a bike for three months at least.

The projections in the afternoon. Met the team from Subotica, took them to the club etc (memory blank here). Then took one of them to Dom to buy wine, stayed outside as being very tired - had I known that she was inside, I would have gone in.

There was some ceremony on sunday (27th), handing out the medals - the KMT competition as usual. And of course camera in hand and go shoot, and over our 5000W there comes Živa with his 2000W and we blow a fuse. Met a bunch of crowd whom I know from previous such events, heard the news about others, had some fun with the D. (who confessed previously that she cedes me to her, no further claims) and then saw one girl from IV6.73, which means the exam for today is over, she should be out now. I find her, we spend an hour around korzo, and part until the evening.

Got enough sleep in the afternoon.

In the evening we met in town, went to disco, but since I don't remember it (didn't, ten days later, when I found the time to write things down), probably wasn't much. The walk home lasted long, we made several stops, and I was so thirsty that she took out a pitcher of water. Then I also found a working public well in her area, on the very kinta. On the way back met the organist from Paštaondas, blabbered with him a while. Then downtown someone rolls down the window in an old black škodilak (the 1000MB from sixties) and waves - it's Vanji. We set up a couple of more things about the newspaper, and then on the pedestrian bridge I meet Pop... and arrived home at 2:30.

On monday she appears again as my student - last week it was trigonometry, this time we did from line to rotation of coordinate system. In the afternoon left the classes to visit the printery, talked shop with the workers there. It's always worth it to talk with the typographers, they've always been the most conscious part of the workership.

On tuesday she black-inked my descriptive [geometry] drawing (we got a 3+ for it). Kept her a while after that, but she withheld her attributes, as granma could have entered the room at any time.

In the evening I stood with Milica and J.B., when the older brother of one of the VIII2 guys comes to me, hands me a red carnation and says it's from some girl, who would like to know me, talk with me, to... Tell her that I'm an almost married guy (as Gavra said), that I'm occupied at least until september and possibly longer... I kept the flower, though, it's nice to be appreciated once in a while.

I'm rapidly doing photos for money, and exchanging mail with Melanija. She'll be something. The chick on this photo is Oli Boj, she was a regular customer and always tried to look good. Often she'd just react to seeing me with the regula and would jump in front of the lens, „shoot me once like this“.

The hole in the pavement, the electric pole and the temporary shed in the background were just leftovers from the last year's reconstruction of the building. Next year those will all be gone, and a new gym would appear where the shed was.

On wednesday, 30th, to movies. Watched "Joe, this is America" (or whatever was the original title). Left school building with Zova. She was on time. Bought the tickets, then rummaged through my pockets to see if I got enough for a quick dinner at Trpeza, but she didn't want to go there and again wouldn't say why, and I lost the tickets in the process. We had a burek somewhere, and the cashier at the movies remembered us so we got in. (... 14 words...)

On friday there was some celebration in Zmaj, Bosa was, of course, reciting "Vojvodina" again. Then went to Naftagas and settled the details about that outing, finally. In the afternoon, lots of picture business. The last issue of "The Gram" was distributed, everyone asks about the author of "Choir". To this day (2021) less than dozen people know who it was. In the evening, at Proleter with the gang.

On saturday (2nd) pictures of my class, shot by the art professor. Front row Biljana, Tejka, Bajče, Oli Boj and I, the barefoot guy. I really went barefoot all day, don't know whether it was a bet or just for kicks.

On sunday finally that outing with Naftagas, I didn't even write down where we went, probably one of their own places, it being just one day, perhaps to Tisa or wherever they have a resort in the area. Had a drink or two, nothing much, infected some first grader girl with my ideas (there are cute ones in the lower grades). Outing as outing gets.

Came back to town at 19:30, went straight to disco to pee my soul out. Soon she came, on high heels (!), with Mariška, who delivered an even larger one** to her (now) ex. I was in good mood and with some cash for that matter, so I got us two beers. (... 9 words...), yawned, yawned. So we confessed the defeat and left to somewhere where we can take a fifteen-minute nap. We went to the ship (aka Titanik, anchored by the court[house]). She had a beer, I a rum. Slow goes that beer. It's cold. Well rub it to warm it up. Then I spotted, on the opposite bank, how a cop and two guys break into the economy high (!), so I asked the guy at the next table whether he can explain the phenomenon. He muffled something inconsequential and it would have ended there... but it turned out (... 27 words...).

Then I carried her up the stairs to pedestrian bridge again, and on the other side she skidded down the bicycle strip. Then we couldn't remember whether her ex had a brown or gray suit. We schedule her to be equally well disposed on tuesday.


* the adjective is a translation of "meksikanski" - which is the derivative form applied to mexican styled pop music, as made popular in the sixties (movie "One day of life" and other such, with "Mama Juanita" and other similar songs, mariachi etc). "Meksički" is what is related to the country, i.e. mexican.

** to receive a high heel - to get rejected, refused, i.e. she dumped the guy

Mentions: Biljana Grgurević, Bosiljka Šain (Bosa), Branislav Bačikin (Bajče), burek, DC-99, Dom omladine, Gavrilo Taroški (Gavra), Grne, IV5pp, IV6.73, kinta, korzo, Marko Popović (Pop), Melanija Tisarević, Mića Brašin (Živa), Milica Zubatović, Milovan Sebešćen (Beštara), Olivera Stojanović (Oli Boj), Radisav Pajsić, regula, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), škodilak, The Gram, Trpeza, VIII2, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), Zdravko Smetovački (Zova), Zmaj, Zoltan Kadar (Kid), žiri, in serbian