
The paperwork finally arrived yesterday, so I went and registered the car. Got a nice number on the tag, easy to remember - back home they'd think I was a cop, because the cops were picking such memorable numbers for themselves. Which went fine with zillion jokes depicting them as stupid, illiterate, or a sum larger then these parts together.

Ender likes the Matrix, and often borrows it, specially when going to Richmond to pick Eleese.

The rasejani finally produced the collected works of sezam, all the messages we wrote in the last nineteen years. Well, almost all, whatever spam filter was applied or not. Maybe those small ads may be worth something today. But the rest is actually cool to have, and will help in writing this in Byo, mainly as an aide to memory (and to have only to translate what I once wrote, not to write from scratch). This autobyography (misspelling intentional) now crystalizes as an attempt to rebuild my life from digital traces, at least for the period since my oldest timestamps say, which would be 1994 or thereabouts. [found older later, in some cases down to 1989]

Let's see - source code, check. Marinko has produced a copy of my fpsxq.zip, with the current GenerAll that we used (and I mostly wrote) in Avai. That'd be the oldest. Then, UA messages, which I'm gathering, not as slowly as in the beginning - by scraping the webpage, and Alphonse isn't as neat with having an ID on every control that may contain relevant data, so I'm generally taking whole pages, with loads of crap, but disk space is no problem. There's more than 20000 messages there that I wrote. Next, emails - have saved only 2001 and on, the older ones are just gone. Though it would be really interesting to have. [found those of 1998 and on, later; the year before that came from Burt, at least what he had]

And oldwave has to discuss sezam as it is today... here, what Škrba says:

BTW, I was away from conferences for 3-4 weeks. Much important, eh - but it turned interesting, in a bizarre form. What do I find there? When the semidead state of sezam began before a year plus some, I turned on all the conferences* and removed all entries from the ignore list, and it aws irleevant. So Ic ame to Forum [general anything-goes conference], for the first time after the 72-hour stint in 1996 when I experienced 1100 messages in that conference. Now there isn't that much, but the atmosphere is the same: as soon as someone mentions anything, it's a reason for a fight.

[and, out of context, this:] „how do I know what I meant when I haven't heard what I said!“

Kleks also said he's canceling sezam, there's 37 messages per day, out of which 16 are ads for the magazine**


* see sezam, its interface bore its own dictionary; in this case, the phrase meant „I removed all filters“

** the old sezam was founded by a magazine; when the new one went solo, they also launched their own magazine

Mentions: Alphonse D'Alchembert, Avai, Byo (Byo), Eleese Aquila (Eleese), Ender Aquila (Ender), GenerAll, Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Marinko Protić, oldwave, rasejani, Reginald Burton Cape (Burt), sezam, UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian